Monday, March 03, 2014

Finding Where You Belong

So I was at work just now and randomly thought about a kid that I used to go to elementary school with that was always picked on. I hope I never picked on him... I can't remember and I'm sure I didn't do anything mean.....but I'll say sorry just in case. Sorry.

Anyways, I remember stumbling on a photo of him once a few years ago where he was doing something called 'Poi'. I had never heard of it before and basically it was a few photos of him swinging around, it looked like glowsticks on a string, but they used a slow shutter to capture the photo so the effect was like this:
(that's him btw)
I thought it was kinda neat and forgot all about it. That was a bout...5 years ago. For some random reason that image popped into my head and I just wanted to see how he was doing. So with my super stalking powers I did a quick Google Search on him and found that he opened up a Poi performing company ! Ha-ha, I dunno why, but seeing that he was okay and happy and just found a way to express himself made me happy too. I also found this video of him performing in Edmonton and was kinda mesmerized. Super neat, hey ? (the poi part anyways). I just find it a lot more interesting this time. The light play anyways, and the science behind the movements and visual effects and, and, I dunno, the infinity that it makes... Does that make sense even?! Ha-ha. Anyways, I just wanted to share this. I wanted to put in on FB for you know who, but I think I'll put it here instead. Hope someone finds it as neat as I do !

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