Wednesday, March 05, 2014


A friend of mine posted that article on FB and I just wanted to share it with someone.
I've often been told that I lack empathy, but at the same time, sometimes all I feel is empathy. Some of things don't apply to me at all (having vivid dreams, enjoy music, faced paranormal experiences), but some of them are dead on. When I see or hear animals suffering it just kills me. Like the time I was in China and we went to the zoo and I saw those baby bears being mistreated, I couldn't hold back the feeling it was so overwhelming that I started crying super hard. Or I remember having a conversation with G where I told her when people tell me stories of themselves, I put myself in their shoes and imagine what they would feel like. Sometimes that get's really over-bearing and I become quite emotional over things that shouldn't affect me.
After reading this I actually feel kind of bad because I was thinking this wasn't normal and trying to repress these.... but.... maybe its not so bad after all?

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