Monday, March 31, 2014

Confusing Heart.

(Version 2.0)
So I went out with SuperCrush and a couple of his friends (aka Dave's few friends who don't care I'm an ex and think I'm cool to hang out with) last night and had a super good time :) Like, actually I woke up in a crazy good mood - good time. Pubbing. Clubbing. And Grubbing. I haven't been that happy in a long, long time. And I can't emphasize enough how nice it was to see those guys again and not feel weird. Tony said they needed to clone me !! (best compliment ever) I laughed so much last night and it just felt really nice. It probably also had to do with the fact that I was pretty tipsy.
So anyhow, SuperCrush came to pick me up in the evening since none of his other friends were ready yet and we just kinda pub-hopped and talked about stuff. It was a bit unusual because we usually talk about superficial stuff but he asked me what I was gonna do for the next few years and just giving me advice because I told him of some sketchy plans that I was thinking about. Going back to school mostly, maybe moving.... I asked him a bit about learning how to drive standard, he showed me a bit of stuff and then gave me more advice. I always feel like he is a super smart guy. Anyways it was different but nice. I bought him a drink cuz he always buys me drinks. (He buys everyone drinks, alright!) We went to another pub (Woodworks) and he had a glass of port and let me try some and it was actually pretty good ! I thought I was gonna hate it but it was really warm going down. 'Good drinks never burn. If it burns its bad quality'. Something he told me before when drinking. But yes, it was really nice. Hahah, I felt classy !!! Anyhow, after that we met up with his other 2 friends and went to the Common for more drinks and then Chinese food at All Happy ! I love All Happy. All my favorite nights always end there. After that, everyone called it a night and he drove me home. So, the odd part is (now maybe/probably he was just texting or something) but I think he waited for me to get into the condo before speeding away.....something which, I'm pretty sure has never happened before.
But.... he's actually dating someone right now and I told him I'm not actively looking right now, and actually kinda happy being single. But.... at the same time I have said to him before that he should stop dating girls that he wants to change and just date someone who is already their own strong person. And oddly sometimes I think to myself me....
Oh shit. Do I still have a crush on SuperCrush?

Craaaaaap. He's just such a bad boyfriend, but he's always super nice to me. I mean, he's super nice to everyone I guess..... but... I don't think I've ever put him in the 'friend-zone' but at the same time he's left the dating-zone. He's always just been in his own weird/wonderful limbo-zone..... There is bizarre history between us from me dating his so-called best friend and their split up, then our split up and then the outcome of that jacked friend/relationship, coming full circle. And I just don't know where to put him ! I've also silently told myself I wouldn't date any of Dave's friends like all of them seem to incestuously do because then I would be just like them..... I dunno why the sudden confusion ! He's said to me before that he wouldn't forgive himself if I ever got hurt trying to help him and that's stuck in my head for a little bit. I don't think anyone has ever said something like that to me... So yeah. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. It must be.

But of course. I dreamt we kissed this morning. :S



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