Saturday, November 24, 2012

I just miss the idea of you

1. I miss having someone to spend my weekends with
2. I miss his/her sense of humor/laugh
3. I miss knowing that I have someone out there who cares about me
4. I miss his/her sweet text messages/love notes/phone calls/etc.
5. I miss having love/affection/sex
6. I miss his/her scent
7. I miss always having someone to talk to when something good/bad happens
8. I miss his/her style
9. I miss being treated to dinner/getting gifts
10. I miss his/her drive/motivation

If you checked off mostly even numbers, than it seems you truly do miss your ex-companion. If you checked off mostly odd numbers, it’s the absence of the companionship that has you hurting.

I did this survey about 2 months ago and I tried to convince myself that I said yes to all 10 questions. I looked at it again last night and I really only said yes to the odd #s and I had to think really hard for the even #s. Maybe I do only miss the idea of you. I told myself that before too. That I never really loved you and maybe just loved the idea of you. I thought you made me happy but really I was only happy around you because you were someone to be around. Just like how I can be happy at work because there are people to be around.  The biggest clue that I don't actually miss Dave is the thing I've been saying every day to myself is I feel lonely. Not I miss him. Maybe the part where I can't look at him or cheer up when I see him is my own psyche playing tricks on me. So help me forget about you. Help me see the faults that you had. Because I know you had them, I just ignored them....

Dave never really had a sense of humor, I can't remember a time where he really made me laugh.
He never really sent me sweet texts or called me or stopped by just because. Not unless I asked him to. I did that a lot for him
He never really wore cologne often, and the one he didn't wasn't amazing either. He always smelled like his deoderant which smelled like ointment, but it wasn't gross......
Well. I do miss his old sense of style. When he wore dress shirts and ties. The guys at work remind me of him because they dress well, and when Dave had to he dressed well too.....
Dave had no motivation.
He changed his mind very easily.
Do you remember that thing about how you can judge how a man will treat you by how he treats his favorite pair of jeans? If he has one pair that he's held on to for the longest time or if he tosses them out as soon as a new trend comes along? He was kind of the latter. Always buying new phones not able to have a favorite something.
I never really felt special to him..... He never did things that made me knew he cared for me or knew me or understood me.
The silly presents he would get for me.
He was there physically a lot, but not very mentally. When I felt sad or cried or was upset, he would say things that didn't really make me feel better.
He made me feel bad for things I shouldn't feel bad about, but he never once felt bad for things he's said to me.
He wasn't tall...... or in the greatest shape.
He wasn't a good homeowner, and even his roomate said that, someone who's known him for 3/4 of his life.
He would tell me his family meant a lot to him, but if I think about it he never did much to help them out. (Like work harder to get out of debt and pay off his parents' mortgage like he said)
He had horrible eating, sleeping, health, hygiene habits.
Make a mix tape just for me & Make sure I go to the therapist. - The only 2 things I really wanted from him and he never did.

See, he has a lot of faults. You wrote this list out yourself, so you can see the reasons why he's not good for you. Maybe he does realize and maybe he doesn't. And even if he does realize, what will/can he do about it and will it stay that way? You know him more than he knows himself sometimes, and the answer, unfortunately, is a most definate No.

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