Tuesday, November 06, 2012

step 1

I tried to call the therapists office to set up an appointment yesterday.
I only got the answering machine, but I did leave a message. I just hope someone will call me back soon. I need help, and I really need it soon. I'm crying constantly, and feeling sad all the time. I feel alone and abandoned and that there is always something else more important than me. That nobody believes in me. I asked Dave the first time it had been suggested I go see a therapist, to make sure I go. "Please make sure I go, I don't want it to get worse again." Please, I asked him. And he never did make sure I went. And I just feel so sad because I knew he didn't care about me. I just want to feel that I matter to someone, that I'm on someone's list of people that are important to them. Everything I look at is grey. It seems like there are no colors any more, and drawing and sewing, and anything doesn't seem interesting or fun anymore.

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