Saturday, September 22, 2012

2 posts in a day :S


More stuff to get off my chest. I went on FACEBOOK :( :( :(
Okay, so here is proof, that facebook is what is causing me to trip. I saw Dave and all of Dave' friends comment and like Tara's photo and I got jealous. I found out that Joald invited Ling, Tara and Jamie to his birthday but not me, and that made me feel bad too. :S :S
Okay Corinna stay calm. Stay calm. Joald, found out you're not dating Dave anymore and didn't want to make it akward. I mean, after all, Tara didn't invite Dave to her housewarming but invited everyone else, so the opposite is normal. Don't be jealous, don't be jealous. I'm Dave's ex, so yeah it would be rude to invite me. I'm not a friend, I'm Dave's ex-girlfriend. I want to stay friends, but everyone see's me as his ex, and I guess thats what normal friends would do. Tara is Andrew's gf so its okay for Joald to invite her. I'm just a bit bummed because without me, those guys wouldn't even have met Tara or Jamie or Ling. So i guess it feels super shitty, that I was the middle that brought everyone together, and now I got kicked out like I'm nobody. When without me, they never would've met in the first place. Uuuuuuuugh.

Everyone commented on Tara's photo because you haven't been posting anything in awhile. So they don't have anything to comment on. And if it just turns out Dave's friends are assholes, then you have nothing to lose. If they really thought you were their friend they would've replied to you when you announced your world had shattered. Not ignored you. At least Brendan did. I know its complicated. In the end they are Dave's friends first. How and why would Dave's friends want to be friends with you? You're his ex. It is weird to be friends with you're friends ex. I mean, Tara doesn't call Dave to hang out right? How akward would it be if you showed up and Dave was there. Dave's friends don't know if we're still talking or not, so yeah, its natural to not invite me. But its not cool if it feels like they are stealing my friends from me. They are my friends first after all. I might have to talk to my friends about that too, because I dont think they know how much it hurts that they go and I can't.
Another thing too. Tara is just replacing you in the UN. It sucks, but I think they'll see the difference between her and I. We're quite similar but not the same, I think I have a bigger heart and was a better, more equal girlfriend. I was very happy to be around Dave's friends, and when we went out to clubs I didn't like, I just thought it was exciting, not boring. I never complained about Dave or his friends, or was cheap. I just wanted to be equal, and I dont think thats what Tara wants.
Am I thinking too much? I probably am. You are the only one that is being bitter. Think from Dave's POV. He's talking to me, and trying to stay friends with me and my friends, his friends are still friends with my friends, and my friends are still friends with his friends. Its just me thats not talking to anyone. I did comment on Levar's link and Levar liked that. It's just me thinking too much ! Dave hasn't been putting up super emo comments on FB, and thats probably why none of his friends are "talking to you". You haven't been commenting on any of Dave's status' but he's commented on a few of yours. You're bringing this loneliness on yourself. So be like Dave, talk and comment and like, show everyone that you 2 are okay, and are still friends. And if that doesn't change anything, then you'll know everyones true colors.

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