Thursday, December 02, 2010

What goes up....

.....must come down.

Sorry about the slightly negative sounding title. I've actually been having a really good past few days since coming back from BC. The guy I like has been talking to me a lot more lately, which is kinda unexpected. Ha-ha. I mean I really enjoy it, but I'm not sure if its just cause he thinks I'm an 'interesting friend' or whatnot...... *sigh*..... I remember few years ago Jeff told me that I give off mixed signals and 'signs' that I'm uninterested in guys (when in reality I am) and what bothers me is that I have no idea how to take down these said signs. I wonder what guys are thinking and what guys mean when they say certain stuff. Mmmm, like the first one was.... when he msged me that one nite when I was in vancouver and I asked him to the staff party. He said something like 'oh no thx all KY has is old ladies. Well and you' ......means nothing right? And then same conversation, he said it would be awkward having him hit on my coworkers especially considering how we met. That one sounds like he's not interested at all to me. But then, the next day I get a msg from him asking if I want to go to a party with him and his buddy's (keep in mind he's never asked me to do anything before) and I was kinda happy because it seemed 'slightly interested' And then, he texted me randomly few days ago and that just started up a mini chat/conversation which led to him offering to drive me home after work, which I messed up :( But like, sometimes the conversations we have seem more like 'just friends'. Like, he'll tell me about girls he's interested in yadda yadda yadda.......I guess, it doesn't help that I always pull that *too cool* card. Like he'll say something about a girl and I'll say *yeah shes cute* but in reality I'm kinda sad he didn't say *you're cute*....... ha-ha :( But then, the next day, after not talking to him the whole day, he sends me a msg around the time Id normally get off at KY asking 'need a ride today?' ....that sounds like hes interested right? But then.... he always brings up pof and if I've met any new guys or whatnot.... I feel like hes telling me to keep trying!! And then the last thing was today, he was on lunch break and swung by to talk to me. But for a longer than usual time. I had my lunch break too, so we kinda walked around and gossiped before he left........
Aaaah I dunno. I think I just have such a crush on him and am therefore overthinking too much. Either he knows I like him and he just wants to be friends, or he thinks I'm not interested and is just being friends. D: Aaaaah, I'm positive its the former, but still so confusing :(

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