Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Followed by the sound of a soft heart breaking......

hahahah I'm so dramatic sometimes. I dont even know why.
Hahaha, well. I guess since I'm writing a lot of "hahaha's" it means I'm not really THAT sad .... but kinda am. I dunno bittersweet I guess. Not like Shane crushed my heart sad, but still sad in the heart sad......mostly because I'm probably coming to this realization on my own. Hahahah... (i keep on laughing I dont know why) Anyways, I am 99% sure super crush is not interested. (The 1% is just my wishful thinking) I probably knew that a while back ago but what can I say, I like to be in denial. He's just too friendly I think. And you know how not good I am at reading guys. I always think they might mean something else. What has brought me to this conclusion? Oh that he still hits on other girls when I'm around, that he still regularly updates POF, that he goes on dates every week.... Hahahaha. I is so sad D: Its just weird because like, I guess he thinks I'm an okay friend so we talk about the most random stuff and like, I dont feel awkward or under any type of pressure when I talk to him. Its just very at ease that he doesn't care about what I know and dont know. anyways. I've been saying this for the past week now but I'm really gonna make the effort to move on from super crush now okay. And since hes goin' outta town for the next 10 days it'll be like cold turkey so I'm gonna need someones hand to hold on to!!

..........But before that happens I would like to record my last few happy times with super crush. I am contradicting the hell outta myself right now but I'm weening okay D: Anyways. Monday...or Tuesday night, cant remember. I was opening at KY and as my shift ends I check my phone and low and behold Brendan has send me (and probably 8 other ppl) a random message asking to join him and his friend for wings. Hahaha obviously I start laughing hysterically and my coworkers laugh at me because I'm crushing so hard. So I meet up with him and his friend and just talk randomly (they talk, I watch and eat....) I tell them about how all Chinese people think I'm too whitewashed to understand chinese and say I am fat. He laughs hysterically. D: Later on that week me Nomin and Tara make plans to go out/party/drink because I magically have the Friday night off. I ask Brendan the day before if he wants to come out with Nomin and I, but since I'm not sure where we are going he doesn't reply. Anyways. Friday rolls around and Nomin and I are walking to Tara's and he messages me! hahaha if I wasn't in the liquorstore in public I woulda laughed hysterically again. I end up inviting him over to Tara's place for drinks to which he actually comes! Shocking I know. So Tara and Nomin and I are kiiiinda tipsy when he comes. I am embarrassingly red. We just end up telling random stories. Punching dykes in the back of the head..... creepy Spanish man at OilCity. Eventually we end up going with him to meet up with Dave and his other friends at a bar on Whyte. Throughout the night Nomin gets kicked out of the bar, and while I'm helping her catch a cab, Tara decides to call it quits too but since my jacket is still inside I end up staying at the bar alone with super crush and his friends. (Oh yah his friends were all making fun of him because he was on the prowl that night for ladies. They laughed. I cried!) Later, we all go to Humpty's (thank god I did not throw up from drinking) and all his friends are just talking random talking. So funny and So random. His friends are so casual I could cry. No bitching or complaining and just making fun of each other. Which I enjoyed as well, and (I suppose it coulda been the alchohol) but I didn't feel like I was gonna have an anxiety attack or anything, it was quite pleasant! Anyways, I dont eat my food cuz it tastes funny, he eats most of it. Then drives me home. We talk a bit, and I'm super tired from being up almost 24 hours/drinking but am really happy. Hahaha. He doesn't wait for me to get in my building before he drives away. Next day, I'm still pretty happy because I had a good night with brendan and his friends. Nothing embarrassing, didn't cry or anything! Again, later in the day he randomly messages me laughing at the drunken text I sent him on the dance floor. (its the random messaging that throws me off I think) so we talk on and off throughout the day, until right before I head to KY he tells me hes got a date on Sunday. :( I tell him I'm jealous and he says he has no sympathy and I should message more guys on PoF. That makes me sadder. :( :( So. I get kinda defensive and tell him I I dunno.... I tell him its easier to say than it is to do, to just jump in and meet people. I dunno why I was able to do it with him, but I feel like I am going to have a heart attack whenever I go to message someone else on POF. That and all the times I chanced it with other guy's and've had my heart broken. Craig, Mitch, Shane, Michael...... I mean, thats gotta do soemthing to a girl right? I've said it before and I'll say it again, getting left behind so much makes me feel like I'm not worth coming back for, you know. (you guys are saying ONLY FOUR GUYS?! but it really hurt okay) So anyways I tell him that and he says *thats unfortunate that you've lost empathy do you being unable to predict/tell untruths* I was working at the time and I thought if I talked about it anymore I was gonna cry so I just stopped msging..... Even though I know it, it hurts 10x more when someone else says it to you. So yeah I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night, and was kinda sad. Saturday finishes, Sunday family goes for dimsum. I get called in to work at KY. And I remember Brendan said he had a date tonight. This is going to be the meanest thing I've said in a while but, close to midnight Im on FB and I see he has commented on his status as *This date is painful*..................I was so Happy!!!! Hahahahaha...... D: Sooooo I end up sending him a msg bugging him about his date. And his reply was. "She ordered juice, Corinna, juice @ 10pm!" Aaaaaaah I was laughing about that for the entire day.... hahaha............. And then I went and had dinner with Michael and invited him to have dinner with my family on Christmas....... aaaaaaaaargh

Okay cold turkey. Commence.....now.

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