Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is for you.

This entry I wanted to write to you, but since I'm trying to stop liking you I'll just post it here instead. *weak smile*

So. I had a fairly bad day today.... like a 5 outta 10. Last day of work today for the entire week until next Monday. I'm so burnt out I fell asleep on the bus yesterday.....standing up. So anyways, working working working, then I get a call from my supervisor asking me to stay an extra 3 hours because one of the girls couldn't come in to work.... Bummer. So here I'm going on 9 hours, getting a slight headache. ALMOST time to go home when I get another text from that same girl who called in sick today to cover her shift tomorrow too. KW is totally understaffed right now and I really really dont want to work tomorrow, but I kinda need the money, and I kinda feel bad because I know if I dont work it no one else will. Headache worsens. 7pm finally rolls around and I'm dying to get off. Fuckin brown girl I dont know where the hell she is but she went to go to the bathroom and has been MIA for the past 30 mintues. ugh. Then I get a text from my ex. is Wednesday. I had dinner with him on Monday because he just finished helping me move stuff into my studio. We're talking and he asks me what my family is doing on Christmas, and I say we are having the usual big family dinner. He asks me if he can come. I say 'if you want....' (maybe I shouldn'tve said that....but I felt bad because I knew he would be spending xmas by himself.....) But anyways i tell him if he is goig to be spending xmas alone, then just come over. And he says *your parents wont mind?* and i say *why would they mind?* Then I worry that he is starting to think I'm leading him on or somethig and I say * know I'm just asking you over as a friend right, I mean this doesn't change anything.....* so then.... thats the end of dinner. He walks me to the train station and before I leave he asks me for a hug.... and I say .........I'll give him one on christmas. (I dont want to hug him because A. I dont like hugs and B. last time I hugged him he tried to kiss me) Anyways I go home, end of story..........or so I think. The message I get is a paragraph of him telling me he is going to move to Saskatoon because he has nothing left in Edmonton. He has nothing but bad memories anymore and how he can tell I dont have feelings for him anymore, how he means nothing to me........fuuuuuuuuuuck me. I wanted to blow my brains out when I read that. I just thought.... WTF do you want me to say. Yes come over for dinner. No dont come over for dinner?!?! what the fuck else is left. Either answer woulda provoked this response!! So I called him and was like. what do you want me to say, its lose-lose no matter what I say. Goddamnit. And hes like, You dont even wanna see me anymore or talk to me, I am just going to say good bye now, you never have to hear from me again. And I just start bawling in the middle of the mall.. I say to him 'You say this to me ever week. You call me every 2 weeks piss drunk, and you say that you are never going to call me again, good bye good bye good bye. That means nothing to me, how do I take you seriously anymore??? And he says *no this time I am serious, I'm going to disappear. Good Bye* and I wait, and he doesn't hang up, and I just laugh. Fuck geezus. How do you manage having so many exes? Anyways, in the end he apologizes for the millionth time, still means nothing to me, and he says 'we are still friends right' to which I say yes, and then call it a day. Ugh..... I dnot even know why I still lose tears over this guy.

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