Thursday, December 09, 2010


It just took me 25+ mintues to think of a fancy word to use as my title.........

Sometimes I think its funny how people ask for advice even though they've already decided and just want you to say what they want to hear!

Anyways, sometimes I think I am going to be single forever. Or that I just have INCREDIBLY bad luck/timing. :( Craig is the first case in my defense. Didn't he ask me a few times when he was still in my life to go over to his place for dinner, but he would always ask me on the ONLY day where I had a lab or something I couldn't get out of. (wow I haven't talked about craig in a long time! Hahaha, I still randomly think about you/wonder where you are and what your doing/ if your okay......) yeah, and it happened on more than one occassion. When I was trying to woo him he was seeing somebody and when he tried to ask me out I was seeing Mitch. F-ing Mitch.....
Sometimes I feel like this bad timing is happening with Brendan too. (I suppose there is the possibility that its not bad luck and its just him saying no.......) Hahaha we'll either or. I think the first time was when I asked him to come to the staff party. He leaves for vacation the day of the staff party and couldn't go. (I also suppose he kinda said no because of the whole hitting on my cuter coworkers/being awkward......) the 2nd time was few days later when he asked me to go to his sister's Bday dinner. *sob sob* that one really REALLY hurt. Obviously/ironically I decided to go to Vancouver that week and couldn't go. Today, I really wanted to go to Gaya and I figured he woulda been at the U studying. So I asked him if he was there and/or wanted to go for dinner. Obviously, the day I ask is the day he's not there. Yeaaaaaah, I asked him if he wanted to go anyways, and he suggested Vietnamese instead............ and then he called me and said he probably shouldn't go because he had to study for a big test tmo....... I was having such a good day I SWEAR I woulda caught him *sigh*
Anyways, you know, now that I've written this out it kinda feels like hes just saying no and its not bad luck..... *sob sob sob* anyways, I suppose I'll just continue to have this silly crush on him till it transfers to someone else. So yah....hopefully I'll meet this someone else soon before I get my heart mashed into a bloody pulp again. :( why do I crush so hard !!

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