Monday, December 06, 2010

Note to self. Someone's always got it worse than you.

Ugh. I'm going through a major crash right now. Stupid weekends always do this to me. Had a really less than average week this week and I feel really stressed. Theres just so much stuff I have to/want to/ need to/ am being told to do. And I'm having a lot of trouble prioritizing whats most important right now. Trying to set up the new studio is KILLING ME. All my stuff is just in the corner on the floor as I'm trying to get tables and shelves and stuff moved in. Trying to find some stuff on Kijiji, but everytime I find something I can't find anyone to help me move it in. I got yelled at by some guy on Kijiji the other day because I coudn't get a hold of anyone with a car to pick it up. KW was crazy busy on friday and of course I had double shift and KY was equally busy. I was so tired at the secret santa party it was like, eat-pictures-leave. ugh. And then Saturday, Michael called me while he was drinking again. I dont even wanna go into that conversation. He sent me a text this afternoon apologizing.....And then ugh....this week has just been so bringing me down. I just feel like people think I'm stronger than I really am. And I dont know when to say Help Me or I Can't Take Anymore. My mind is thinking about eight hundred and twelve things and I just dont know what I should be feeling. Why am I feeling sad, am I supposed to be feeling this way, Am I just bringing myself down right now? what the hell.

I actually think I know one of the main branches to this problem. And that would be because of that whole having a crush who doesn't like you scenario again. Damn you. Always happens, and as much as I think its not, I know it is. Who the hell am I trying to impress. I never used FB this much before I met him so like what the hell am I doing with all these status updates? Who really cares? He'll never think of you as anything more than just a friend so stop trying to get his attention all the time, thinking so much, worrying so much. Ack. I'm so stupid sometimes. Why does this always happen to me? Falling for the most inappropriate guys all the time. I mean, I always gotta like the ones that are so different and uncaring, exactly what I dont need, and I just tell myself, 'no no, this is good, he's so different its like opposites attracting, we can learn so much from each other' But who am I trying to fool? Obviously myself.

So. I guess, all I'm telling myself right now. Is to just. Stop.

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