Thursday, January 04, 2007

getting old is depressing

never thought i'd say that. but its true. So so depressing. This is they year were i have discovered i am old. hahah....*sigh* For xmas i only had 5 presents this year.... I rememeber when me and my brothers were little and the xmas tree was swamped by presents. haha i'm greedy. any hoo. 1 of my presents wasn't even wrapped, and 1 of them i already knew what it was. So the 1st present i opened was a bottle of mans cologne. (or really bad women's perfume) and the second one was a baby blue Nike sweater. if any of you know me you'll know that i dont wear baby blue, nor do i wear nike. (i asked my mom if she wanted the perfume and the sweater. haha i'm a jerk) And then i was done opening my presents. so sad. Hhaha well it wasn't THAT bad, my brothers chipped in and got me a DS Lite and mario 64. So that was good. I played mario for at least 12 hours on the 26th. Hahah, its quite sad.
And then, do you nkow what i did on new years eve after the count down? I went over to yee sum's place and played ds w/ alex grace and jess. Hahaha oh boy. i recall i even said *boy i'm tired,* at 11:45 PM. hahaha im a disgrace to 21 year olds everywhere. but speaking of ds i think i'm going to go up and play some. i sense mario is feeling lonely. MWA HWA HWA

1 comment:

Bruce said...

only when its dark can you see the stars.

Hey I just found your blog, it's cool. A little wacky, but that's what makes life interseting, right.