Saturday, January 13, 2007

Singing in the Rain.

I'm still taking a film studies class, but this one doesn't require a film journal. Even so, I liked writing those journals so i think i'll continue w/ it.

Singing in the Rain.
Ho hum, we watched 'Singing in the Rain' on Thursday, and i actually really really liked that movie. If i had actually written this post on Thursday I would've been able 2 comment a lot more on it. I really liked the Cosmo character (Donald O'Connor). I thought he was funny and cute. I pretty much liked everything about that movie. It had a good storyline, good characters, good dancing. haha the dancing comment could have to do w/ the fact that i just started watching *so you think you can dance* and am especially paying attention to dance rountines and footwork now. Yahahah. I can't remember what else i liked about that movie..... Oh i know that i thought Lina Limore* was super annoying. *I caan't staaaand 'em* hahaha

i've been on a movie binge this week. I watched The Covenant, Snakes on a Plane, The Constant Gardener, and Memoirs of a Geisha. The last one is the only one i watched through its entirety and therefore is the only one i would like to comment on.

Memoirs of a Geisha
I thought this movie was also equallly good. I really liked this movie too. I thought i read somewhere that Memoirs didn't get good ratings, but i thought it was really good. I remember reading that people felt the english and dialouges were really bad, but personally i thought they were really well done. I like hearing japanese/chinese people speak english with their accents. (Grammatically correct English that is) I liked the story line too. Hahah typical Cinderella/happy ending story. Me love those. Sigh.... so pretty. Hahah, i'm listening 2 music right now, along w/ talking 2 people on msn which is why these journal entries suck. haha so non descriptive.

anyways. I went 2 work this past friday and saturday. And this is the week were no one came. Hahah. I was doing tarot card readings at work on friday and i was pretty on. It was fun. I like readint ppls fortunes and hearing them say *hey thats pretty good* YEAH rock on. Maybe i should make a profession as a tarot card reader. ;) anyums I gotta go 2 bed now so i can wake up 2 work 2morrow. Buh bye

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