Monday, January 22, 2007

i really never knew....

...and probably will continue to never know. But anyways. I've got a new admirer! Hahah this happens quite NOT often. But anyways. He was talking to me yesterday and we got on the topic of girlfriends and boyfriends. And it was discovered that both of us have neither. And when he found out I was single he said *wow really i didn't know, because you were kinda giving off the i'm-not-interested "signs"*.... SAY WHA?? "SIGNS"??? What signs are we talking about? I had absolutely no idea i emitted these such signs. Maybe thats how come i've been single so long. Hoy jeebus. I hope someone helps me take down these signs cuz i shure dont want super gangster man to see them. Hahaha... hum... i'm a nerd. But yeah I thought that was super shocking to hear, especial from a guys POV. I'll try and take note. Jess just told me that i'm too introverted (she also told me that it meant i keep to myself, cuz my vocabulary is horrible). I guess that could be true. I never really noticed, but I guess i do keep my guard up really high when meeting new people. That probably has to do w/ the horrible experiences I've had in the past. And also that when i think a guy is flirting w/ me, I re-think and figure that I'm thinking too much. And that... i guess if i found out he was just being nice to me I'd be sad cuz i shoulda known he wasn't interested.... ugh... it hurts mama....

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