Monday, January 22, 2007

Dreaming of NY again.

Hey, ya'll. I'm really travel-sick for New York again. I seriously thought for a while it was going to be a fad, that would go away and never come back. But oh was i wrong. I keep on thinking of all the places that I went to in NY and how I really really REALLY want to go back. I want to go back to Times Square and shop till midnight. I want to go eat at those 2 delicious Japanese restaurants. I want to go back to the Metropolitan Museum because it was my favorite and I loved it. I want to go back to Canal Street and Chinatown and that super sparkly accessory store. I want to go back to Sephora and H&M. I want to go back to Pearl River Mart. I want to go clothes shopping, and I want to go and have dinners at fancy restaraunts with all my friends and then retreat to our closet sized dorms. Oh NEW YORK. Theres something that reminds me of you every day. The other day at work a customer left a mini day-planner/notebook. And it was slow and i'm an incredible snoop so i looked through it. And what did i find? Street Addresses in New York. Sad thing is i recognized them. Lexington ave. 34th East and 5th Street. Oh how i daydream. I really really want to go to NY maybe next year after I graduate w/ Jess and Iris and Ling. I'd ask Cathy too but as I discovered when i went 5 people is a hard number to travel in. 5 people dont fit in a cab, and its hard to find a room for 5 people too. OH i'm the opposite of homesick. I want to buy so much stuff... so much stuff.... *sob sob* Where is my tough (but soft) good looking, good smelling, tall, well dressed, night in shining armor who goes to NY on a regular basis..... high standards?? who says I have high standards

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