Monday, September 04, 2006

i'm back and a thousand dollars richer.

Hello everyone, this is a picture of my cousin alex and what i did to him the first day i went back to fort mcmurray. It makes me laugh evertime i see it. Alex is my favorite little cousin. Hoh hoh.
Soo... i forget if i've said anything these past few blogs, but i've discovered recently that i have an admirerer. I always thought i'd be extremely happy to have one, but as i have discovered.... sometimes its not that great. Sooo. i just found out a few days before i went back to fort mac that some one likes me (which is extremely rare) and i was like *ooh i dont know what to do because i'm not sure what i think about him* and then i was like. *well i guess i can go back to fort mac and sort out my feelings* and that is exactly what i did. I discovered that i do not feel the same way about him. i tried to make a list of pro's and con's and there were a LOT of cons.... i feel kinda bad but its true. like as a friend i like him, but thats all really. From what i know of him hes not really 'my type'. And then it started to annoy me that he would text msg me everyday w/ the most mundane information. It got really annoying. and the fact that i avoided going on msn truly makes me believe that i dont really like him that way. He got me something from calgary and i didn't know what to expect or do when i received it. (it was a panda plushy). And then today i seen a picture of 2 of those panda plushies hugging each other on the BG of his cell. eeeyaaaa. I think that one of the main reasons that i wont think of him as more than just a friend is the fact that hes not very mature. I think i'm more mature than he is and i'm very immature. Plus.... I dunno its also the little details i pick up at work. Like how he'll tell someone the mean things that people say about them for no reason whatsoever and that starts building grudges. and he also asks for certain people to get fired and stuff. Just small stuff like that that i pick up on. And also when me and him and 2 of my workmates young kids were playing GC he seemed to take it really really seriously. like serious button jamming win win situations because you know how important it is to beat two 12 year old kids right?. ERG i dunno its all this is just making me really frustrated right now. If i could ask for one thing for my boyfriend to have it would be to be able to stand by myside and back me up if i ever needed his help, and i just dont see him doing that. ARG.
But really, change in direction here because thats really angering me. starts in 2 days....*sob sob* i hate school. i'm gong to be taking 5 classes this year.... this actually going to be the 1st time i've had 5 courses in one semester since 1st year when i dropped psych. hoy we'll see how that goes. i'm also going to experiment w/ the not buying of a bus pass for september to see if i can time manage better. But yeah so thats all the plans that i have for now. Oh. i just finished reading TRIGUN vol. 9 I actually really like that one. Even though vash wasn't in it, it was pretty good. I read it at least twice so far. Yum yum. Welp, thats all for now folks.

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