Monday, September 04, 2006

Oh Wolfwood.....

I Just finished reading volume 9 of Trigun Maximum. I'll have to say that so far it is my absolute favorite volume, even considering that vash isn't in it. But its really good. If i remember correctly i think wolfwoods outcome is the same in the manga as it is in the anime. And after reading 9, like 6 times in 3 days it will make me really really miss him, because he is such a strong and loyal guy, whos not willing to give up. (quite the opposite of my workmate if you noticed....) So anyways, this picture is dedicated to you super good looking Wolfwood. hohoh i drew it several months ago. I was too lazy to edit out all the sketchings and stuff. I never actually drew Wolfwood before so i didn't know how to draw his hair, so i had to do some practises.
Oh woe is me. I wonder what will happen to you in the end.......

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