Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1:21 AM

is the current starting time of this post. Lets see how long it takes me to make a short entry. (i plan on this being a short entry so lets see if i can stick to my plans.) Anyways Iris came on msn these past few days so i've been talking 2 her a lot catching up on new and old stuff that we've missed. I told her the epic story of of my co worker and the awkwardness that is him. So.... i've been telling everyone how, when we were just friends i thought he was an okay pretty average guy. But after discovering his TRUE intentions, i have found myself paying close attention to the little things about him that annoy me. (once again this could have to do w/ my standards being to high...but we'll see) So, i think i've mentioned all of his young niave annoying traits that just make me want to punch him in the face. But today i found another one. So on sunday my boss put up the new schedule and i seen that he re-hired our old bus girl. (the same bus girl that he used to have a super crush on.) So i was like *oh this is great, maybe she'll take some of the pressure off me!* ....or so i thought. i was talking to him on msn today and i asked him if he knew who was bussing next week and he said yes he did. I then did my famous OHhohoho laugh, and he said. so, it doenst make a difference. and i was like (...uh oh) so i asked. *dont you like her anymore?* and he said. *No.* ....that was it. I was a little bit shocked, but at the same time i was expecting it. I told him it was pretty sad that he can suddenly stop liking a girl so quickly. Its like no faithfulness at all. I said to myself before he answered my question 'if he says no, them i'm absolutely positive that hes not my type.' low and behold he said no. I guess i'm kind of contradicting myself here with my 'standards' but really though. I dont really see how you can so easily brush someone off, especially considering that he was crazy about her when he first saw her. Like....i guess comparing my co worker and me, to Roni and Henry.... i'd have to give Henry props for continuing to chase R for like....2 years. Even though he knew that she didn't really like him, he still tried to change her mind. Like my co worker on the other hand is like...yes is yes, no is no.....maybe i should tell him no.... I dunno theres a word i'm trying 2 think of that he doesn't have. I guess like....its easy to give up on like...an exam or something physical like that. But... liking someone i think is different. I guess if i was a guy and i found out a girl i liked didnt like me i wouldn't just give up and call it quits. I'd see it as a challenge...as a hunt for the beautiful mayflower of love. (recognize that anyone? hahah) But so yeah. i've heard about a lot of couples hooking up after like...years of the guy chasing the girl and the girl suddenly realizing how devoted he is to her and decides to give him a chance. He told me that *its just a crush* and i thought that was bullshit. I've had crushes before and i never stopped liking someone just suddenly out of the blue because my chances seemed low. Pretty pathetic. So yeah, this is some words of advice from someone who probably shouldn't be offering advice.... But seriously, girls do pay attention to small stuff like that. It doesn't seem very man-ly to give up so easily on a girl that you were 'crazy about'. Because honestly if you really were crazy for her i think you'd be willing to try a lot harder to get her to like you back
....my friend, at the rate your going, your list of cons will soon turn into a dictionary of 'why i do not like you' ....sorry man.

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