Wednesday, August 23, 2006

would you like some buttermelon

translated to english that would be equivalent to 'would you like some avocado'. hohoho. But anyways. small post today. Just wanna comment on fort mcmurrays male population. Theres not that many good looking young guys around my age here is there? BUT however, when one does appear, they sure are cute. Tee hee. I seen a guy come in yesterday who looked like jacob hoggarth from hedley. He was cute. and i caught him secretly looking at me. MWA MWA. hahaha.
Today i went and got my very first filling. I was super nervous and it took like....10 mintues. They put this giant purple rubber tarp-like mask over my mouth and i sat w/ it on for a good 5 mintues waiting for the doctor to come in. Then after my mouth was numb till 8PM. I think i was drooling for a good 10 mintues before i realized. hahaha. Numb mouth is funny. Welp i'm supah tired so i'm gonna go sleep now. chow.
PS. i have made it my next mission to forget about 'you know who'. ADD OIL!!!!

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