Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh the nightmares....

This is Stewie. He currently resides face first in the corner of my brothers room because he scares me at night. I won him at klondike...sorry no Capital Ex. I was so happy when i won Brian the first day. I figured i absolutely had to go and get him a stewie companion....little did i know i'd get the equivalent of chucky in plush.
Aside from spending all my money at K-Days i'm saddened 2 say that nothing else has really happened. Thats important and that i can think of. Oh well... i bought a new pair of shoes! heheee my shoe fetish comes from my mom i swear. I've been wearing shoes w/ absolutley no support for the past few months and i think doing that has made my pinky toes numb.... so yah i dished out $95 bucks to buy these cute pair of white etnies mules. And after i did that i realized that i had no more money. Dammit. I totally forgot about rent and then now Kat's bday is coming up too so i have 2 get soemthing. and then... i have mangas that i want to buy (same ones from like 6 weeks ago btw). and possibly some new clothes so it doesn't look like i'm wearing the same thing 4 days in a row. Hoya... anyways i'm going to go outside and have some cereal. I've had like 6 bowls of it alreayd. hee hee haw haw.

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