Sunday, August 20, 2006

in a fairy tale world

Is it weird that this past month i've been having a more than usual amount of dreams and daydreams of craig? More so daydreams, but a few dreams here and there. But more so daydreams and thoughts. Like i keep on imagining what would happen if he came in to kyoto one day. (this is all assuming that i'd recognize him, even though i've only seen like....old old old pictures of him) But i keep on thinking about....about what i'd do if i ever bumped into him. And like i'd hope he'd recognize me but i'm not sure. So like. today i was thinking if he really came in to eat, if i'd have enough guts to walk up to him and talk to him. And if i did what the hell would i say to him. *hi are you craig? i'm corinna you've ruined 2 years of my life?* No i'd probably not. i'd proably try to ease in and find out if it really was him. *did you used to live in fort mcmurray?* But at the same time if he said *yes i did* i dont know what i'd do after. I dont know if i'd be too overwhelmed to say anything or if i'd start like getting all teary eyed. (i'm sure the latter is not possible). And then, theres also the possibility that i might be too scared/nervous to walk up and talk to him. And if that were the case and he left w/o me saying a single word of recognition to him....i think i might really cry. That after like....2 years of waiting to meet you and i finally do, but before i get the chance to talk to you i let you walk out....that would be really crushing. So yeah, its kind of like a lose lose situation. But i guess i should also consider that he doens't live in edmonton anymore...or alberta....or possibly canada....
But, speaking along the line of guys. Another little dilema i've got going on. (always happens around the end of summer) So.... i have a workmate at work, who i'm not sure if he likes me or something. Like i'm usually pretty good at that kind of stuf....or actually no i'm not. But i can't tell. So.... my workmate he keeps asked me to go to calgary to watch the fireworks competition w/ him. and like, no biggie there cuz he asked all the workmates. But, i dunno if this makes a difference or not but, i told him that i wasn't going to go cuz i didn't have the money 2 do that. And he said *i'll pay for you*. I feel pretty stupid because maybe i'm just thinking one sided here and that, thats what any normal friend would do, and that i'm thinking way to hard. But, he also constantly asks me to go out and have ice cream, and watch movies and go clubbing. and same w/ the *i'll pay for you* bit..... so yeah i'm not sure. Just thought i'd voice that little tid bit.

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