Sunday, August 20, 2006

Um, hey everybody....

So yeah....if anyone read the post from yesterday i was debating whether or not my workmate liked me or not. I said that i *thought* maybe he did, but that i also could have been wrong because hes just an overall nice friendly guy. Well, its funny how somethings reveal themselves really quickly. I left back for fort mac today, and he knew that i was leaving today. At 9AM while i was still sleeping i recieved a text msg from him (undoubtedly on his way to work) that read as follows:
"Well see you in like 10 days. Unless you come to eat, then i'll see you in a few hours. I'm gonna miss you."
Dwear Mne....uuuuuung That last sentence i think pretty much answered my question of uncertainty. ung ung. So now i dont know what to do. Because like i said before i dont rather i know i dont feel the same way about him. At least of my own free will. Like i'll find myself thinking of him sometimes, but its more thinking *if i like him that way*. And personally, if you have to think about that, i think you should know the answer. But like.... uuuuug i dunno either if like....maybe i set my standards to high or something. Like. i dunno when i notice a good looking guy i usually say like *oh he has nice eyes, or his arms are nice, or his smile is cute* and thats like....physical stuff. But i find sometimes i start liking someone i've known for a long time after i've gotten to know their personality. Uggggh. I'm really confused right now. I was going to use this entry to try and clarify some of my feelings right now. But i'm talking to Jess about Craig (something i've never done before) and its bringing back some painful memories again.... i'll try this again some other time.

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