Sunday, April 23, 2006


(This post was supposed to be yesterdays but my internet crashed before i could post it) Hey yo, C-dawg here. Hoy today was busy and i'm pretty tired. But i have, once again, a small anecdote to tell everyboby. So i was at work all day today and in the evening this young guy walks in (he actually looked like jacob hoggarth the lead singer from hedley!) and he comes up 2 me 2 order some to go. aaaand i was like *hi what can i do for you!.... (wow you smell heavily of pot mister!)* and he ordered 2 boats to go and some small random other stuff. Yadda yadda he comes back 20 mintues later 2 pay and he whips out this 'huge' wad of cash. (once again the pot-ish smell waifs over 2 me). So his bill was $77 something and he counted his moolah like the pro he was and gave me what i assumed 2 be $80 and i was like 'thanks do you need change?' and he went * how much is that?* and i recounted it and i was like *oh theres $90 here* (taking two 5's 2 give back to him) and then he goes *oh thats fine thanks* And left. and i was like .... : -O (that is my face in shock btw). man i would KILL to have a drug dealer boyfriend. hahah....but not really. so yeah folks i got paid w/ drug money today! Hahaha. Ohoh a 2nd story i just remembered. There was a group of 6 ppl today that came in. And when they where finished they sent the one young guy up 2 pay (poor guy) and he was paying w/ debit, so i swiped his card yadda yadda. Didn't notice it when he GAVE me his card, but when i gave him the pinpad i noticed this ping pong ball sized protrusion from his wrist. Seriously, it looked like his wrist was broken like 5 times. And i really REALLY didn't mean to but it scared the living begeezus outta me and when i handed him the pinpad and seen it i went *here you g-UH-oo...* and i twitched a little. sob sob, i'm so mean.... sorry mister. Sigh, yeaaah well i think i should go 2 sleep now, i'm uber tired. I ironically have more shifts during exam week than compared 2 when i just have regular school... BOO-URNS.

1 comment:

Omochi said...

Hello Corinna, greetings from Mars.

Did you notice that you posted this up like three times? Thought I'd tell you.

If you intended to do this for some artistic what I said.

Ohohoho, Good luck on your last final man. Wish me luck too.