Sunday, October 23, 2005

look everybody, i'm not ugly anymore!

aaaah, i've always wanted to say that. Soooo hopefully if many of you couldn't tell i'm not exactly confident that i'm a pretty girl. hahah in fact in high school i know i wasn't a pretty girl. i was downright uuuug-ly. BUT today it dawned a bit on me that i'm prettier now. yaay. haha you have no idea how happy i am. My boss was probably joking but he said *Stephen thinks your pretty* and had he said that like 8 months ago i prolly woulda ran away like a little school girl. hahaha but no i took it like a mean. hhaha aaah, i was so touched. Em, and then after i got off work i walked 2 save on's and there were like 3 guys standing outside mongolie grill, and yeaaah...i checked them out, hahah i'd like to think they were also checking me out as i checked them out... yeah baby, me like that. hahaha at least i hope they were hot guys. and then as i was crossing 100ave, a man propositioned me. haha no he passed me an said *hey howsit going*....haha yeah i sound like a neanderthal. But hey sounds like a possible pick up line to me. har har. But alas i should go 2 bed, i have soooo much school work to do, and here i am slacking off. i'm supposed 2 finish my china 101 hw (which i wont cuz its not technically due) and then make my des 370 models (which if i dont do 2morrow i will finish on monday after mandarin class) and then study for accounting midterm (which i will try my best to make first priority) ooooh, btw i bought a pair of pretty earings on friday. except this is what happens when you buy them from kiosk people. one of the posts was like 2x as big as my ear hole, so i had 2 widdle it down 2 an appropriate size. and even after that i think they're like 16's, which is 2 big for my 18's and therefore my lobes are a bit swellish...yes, i said swellish ladies and gentlemen. haha me and felix watched eurotrip yesterday. it was funny....theres so many...penises

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

legato sama

so sad. my blind date was exactly like a bad episode of....*blind date* the most awkward moments of silence ever. i felt sad because he really didn't seem to get it that i only wanted 2 be friends. He was really REALLY not my type. i knew that from the 2nd day i talked to him. sob sob. i didn't go on msn for like 4 days because i didn't want 2 talk 2 him.... and i didn't want to block him becuase thats really mean and rude. Not to mention its happened to me before and i'd prefer to know that i also didn't place that feeling on someone else. So today i was dropping hardcore hints. but no avail. And FINALLY he asked me if he could see me again and i said *as friends sure, lets have cofee sometime* and then i got scared that he was going to freak out on me. buuuut he didn't. so that was good. yeaaah. PHEW load off my chest. oh and i think this is the first time that i feel absolutely positive that i passed a midterm. Yuuuup without a doubt. whooo weee. Now all i need is that damn donnie darko man to msg me and brighten up my week. Yaa-hooo. something else really funy happened. Me and sherry stayed after class in design to work on our projects and haha it was great. i shot a jolly rancher at her. hahaha me and her tell each other funny stories. aaaah. welp gonna go cut my own hair. bye everyboby. oh right, as for the title of this blog. on my blind date i went 2 comix hobby and found a legato figure. it was the happiest moment of my life.....well more like during those 3 hours. i found him hidden behind midvalley the hornfreak and zazie... i'm such a nerd. hahaha

Saturday, October 15, 2005

doom doom doom

doom is the word around here. Sooo yeaaah. i've landed myself a blind date tomorrow. dont even ask. Well i guess its not really blind, like i've seen his picture hes seen mine, that sort. SOB SOB. i'm having horrible ideas already of awkward silences. So mean. From what i've gotten from him i think that the most we could be is just friends. Not saying that anythings not possible, but i just dont seem that interested in him. Boohoo how horrible is that. I hope i dont do another mitch job again. Althought this time i'd have to say that i was pretty careful. No abandoned back alleyway meetings for corinna this time, no SIR. gonna go meet him in a public area and do some public stuff... hohoh sneaky sneaky. (ooooh i'm going to burn in hell for this) but. I was like *imagining* hahaa. that..... thaaaat. my blind date wasn't really my blind date. and that it was the somebody that i used to like, playing a *prank* on me. Le sigh, wouldnt that be cute? hahah *no*? aaaw. i thought it would be. i'd be all innocent waiting *doodee doo doo* and then suddenly hey corinna how's it going (looks over) *who the hell are you, your not my blind date?!?* i know, but dont you recognize me?? (sexy smile) *oh my god, your ____* heh, i know, its nice to finally meet you. *thats a dirty trick you played on me pretending to be somebody else* yeah, sorry about that, but how else could i have gotten you out to come see me? end flashback. hahah its corny isn't it? plus what are the chances of that happening? like 10thousand million to zero. i'm assuming that since he stopped trying to woo me, (woo is a funny word hee hee) hes either gotten a steady girlfriend (possibly married), or just plain gone gay and std collecting. (yes if you ever read this this is what i say) I just recently considered the idea that maybe he got angry at me cuz i drew jess those pictures of him. but i dunno, with the exception of the big gay collage one, all of them were more 'positive' than negative. i'd take it as a compliment that someone liked me so much they drew pictures... hahah i'm childish. But yeah, i gotta go 2 sleep now, oh boy 6 hours of sleep then a blind date.....waaaaaaaaaah i'm scared god!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

goot gawd

i certainly hope this week is over soon, it SUCKS. I didn't even really care about it on tuesday, but i just noticed that its really REALLY shitty. First on tuesday i slept through my morning classes. which probably wasn't THAT bad. and then that same night i was talking to that internet guy i met, and he was like *lets go out for coffee now* (it was like...i dunno 11PM) and if i was a butch girl sure why not, but hell man i could get mugged (not saying that hes a mugger) but come on, i've known the guy for like...3 days, i dont really want to go meet you at midnight or go over to your house. So then i think he got *upset* and logged off. and then today, i went 2 my mandarin class and we had a test. And i was so angry cuz my mandarin instructor wrote the quizz out by hand and his characters were like....speed written. one of them was a complete scribble and i didn't know what it said and therefore coudln't form the sentence....or well rather i did but it was horrible. (no, what. you are teacher china) frick. and today in ID class... man dont even really wanna go there. but. i seriously blanked out while doing my presentation. so bad. SUCKS SHIT when you get super nervous infront of people like i do. thought i was going to hyperventilate really. and then. my instructor ignored me (shame) he was walking arund the tables seeing how everyone was doing. and he stopped at the girls in front of me and then told some funny stores. and then walked behind me for a couple seconds.... then. yup, went straight to my friend beside me.... so sad. I think he thinks either i'm super girly or i'm really stuck up. ERG if people really took the time to know me they'd know i was neither. HUFF so yeah. i hope this week is over soon cuz its sucking more by the minute. oy i havn't wrotten a rant in a long time. whats the world coming too.....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

todaaay todaaay

i'm listening to the postal service right now. this is the song that dana listened to that i thought was super mario. was a boring yet pretty funny day. Iris asked me if i wanted to volunteer for *festival of trees* and i thought she said *do you want to volunteer for testable diseases?* (hahahah say them both aloud.) and then i was talking to Jess and she was looking up halloween costumes on ebay, and she stumbled across all these fake teeth and she laughed so hard cuz there was this one...ONE guy modelling all the hillbilly/pirate/rotten teeth. and its not even a generic face hes got SUCH a distinguishable face. and the funny thing that i noticed that jess didn't.... the man was wearing no shirt as he modelled his teeth. how bizarre. Oh right. so i've taken the liberty of actually using that tickle/dating/friendmaking site that i signed up for like half a year ago. i actually have one mutual match! hoho i was so happy because usually none of the guys that i find interesting think the same about me. But this guy sounds pretty nice....not to mention he IS pretty (ohohoh) haha but alas, he didn't respond to the last msg i sent him. boo urns. This other guy did though and he added me to msn. aaaaaand (be hush hush) i dont really find him that fun to talk to. Like theres certain people i like talking to and can talk 2 them all day. But he seems to keep changing the subject back to his job. Which wouldn't be so bad if i knew anything about it but i dont. So basically it would be like me rambling on about the details of how my sewing project went and how i had to use a certain stitch because this other stitch didn't work because of some thing dumb. yeah total eyeball roll isn't it. hahah but its prolly just cuz its the first time i talked to him right? Oh right, my ID project i'm really stuck on. We're supposed 2 do a mood board for a certain era/style of architecture thats been chosen for us. and Jeff said that we can use anything to depict the mood (material, objects, pictures etc) and i was looking forward to that and all the purdy colors i oculd use. and low and behold i got *international style* The main characteristics of it? Oh stuff like function over fashion, practially no colors because the main materials they used were steel, cement and glass.... OH BOY. i dont know how i'm going to put steel on my mood board and i dont even want to think about cement.... boo hoo.... heeeeelp

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hey stumpy

Thats probably what i'm going to be known as after i finish my des 370 class. I'm totally going to cut off a limb or something. aaah but its all good. oh boo, there was someting important i wanted 2 post up but i've forgotten. Something about these 2 weird dreams i had? I dreamt my foot some how dismembered itself from my leg. And then i dreamt that i bumped into a really old crush that i had in elementary school in the girls public bathroom. hahaha. Jenn told me that Bento Box C man works at joey tomatoes. hohoh he certainly is pretty. I will go there every day when jess comes out and be a creeper. hahaha jkjk. My design instructors are funny, he made a comment about a spatchloon (spatula + spoon) and i snicked for like 10 minutes straight. In 4 days i think i've met about 8 peoples who's birthdays are all in octber. Me and jenn came to the conclusion that me and her must have been valentines day accidents. hahaha. But anyways i can't seem 2 rmmeber what i was going to say. So i'm out sports fans.