Sunday, August 26, 2012

do you miss me?

That is all I want to know....
No. Maybe thats a lie. I want to know if you miss me, and I want to know that the answer is yes.
I am slowly getting better, but I still miss you. I haven't taken off the rose glasses yet, and have yet to see your flaws. I miss you lots you poo head. Gramma kept asking where you were at lunch today and I finally had to tell her 'we broke up Gramma, please don't ask me anymore' It was kinda painful.
I want to become so happy, you'll be jealous.
But right now thats pretty hard. Haha. I'm working on a new goal, which I'm feeling pretty excited about. I went over to Tara's housewarming party, and I felt bad. Everyone was 5 years younger than me and had houses, cars, boyfriends, husbands, families. And I felt like I had nothing. I lost someone who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. And it makes it worse that I come home everyday to an empty condo. And empty messy condo that I can't invite friends over too because I'm embarassed.
So. I guess my goal for the next little while. I'm gonna renovate the condo. So that I'll want to come home, and be able to have friends over. And show Dave that I'm growing up.

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