Sunday, August 26, 2012


August was the month of having long serious talks with everyone. Seriously.
Confirmed, and found out a lot of things from people who I haven't (but should) talked to in a long time.
Everyone's told me I have a bad temper, and to watch my negativity. Haha :|
Something I didn't expect though. My daddy told me, of all his 3 kids, he thinks that I am the strongest one.

I do feel a lot better, and not so empty anymore. But I still feel like a part of my heart is missing. And seeing couples hold hands reminds me a lot of that feeling. But I've definately healed a lot faster than the last break up. Maybe it helps still being able to be friends..... or maybe it makes it worse. I dunno, I think I'm still trying to find the old Corinna who Dave was attracted to first. Doing it for Dave? Maybe, maybe not. I was happy and confident then so maybe I'm doing it for myself too. And doing things that make me happy is helping. Started to draw again. And thats getting exciting. Let's see how much confidence I can gain and maybe I'll attract Dave again, and maybe I'll attract someone even better for me.

Lets Do This.

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