Monday, January 22, 2007

Dreaming of NY again.

Hey, ya'll. I'm really travel-sick for New York again. I seriously thought for a while it was going to be a fad, that would go away and never come back. But oh was i wrong. I keep on thinking of all the places that I went to in NY and how I really really REALLY want to go back. I want to go back to Times Square and shop till midnight. I want to go eat at those 2 delicious Japanese restaurants. I want to go back to the Metropolitan Museum because it was my favorite and I loved it. I want to go back to Canal Street and Chinatown and that super sparkly accessory store. I want to go back to Sephora and H&M. I want to go back to Pearl River Mart. I want to go clothes shopping, and I want to go and have dinners at fancy restaraunts with all my friends and then retreat to our closet sized dorms. Oh NEW YORK. Theres something that reminds me of you every day. The other day at work a customer left a mini day-planner/notebook. And it was slow and i'm an incredible snoop so i looked through it. And what did i find? Street Addresses in New York. Sad thing is i recognized them. Lexington ave. 34th East and 5th Street. Oh how i daydream. I really really want to go to NY maybe next year after I graduate w/ Jess and Iris and Ling. I'd ask Cathy too but as I discovered when i went 5 people is a hard number to travel in. 5 people dont fit in a cab, and its hard to find a room for 5 people too. OH i'm the opposite of homesick. I want to buy so much stuff... so much stuff.... *sob sob* Where is my tough (but soft) good looking, good smelling, tall, well dressed, night in shining armor who goes to NY on a regular basis..... high standards?? who says I have high standards

i really never knew....

...and probably will continue to never know. But anyways. I've got a new admirer! Hahah this happens quite NOT often. But anyways. He was talking to me yesterday and we got on the topic of girlfriends and boyfriends. And it was discovered that both of us have neither. And when he found out I was single he said *wow really i didn't know, because you were kinda giving off the i'm-not-interested "signs"*.... SAY WHA?? "SIGNS"??? What signs are we talking about? I had absolutely no idea i emitted these such signs. Maybe thats how come i've been single so long. Hoy jeebus. I hope someone helps me take down these signs cuz i shure dont want super gangster man to see them. Hahaha... hum... i'm a nerd. But yeah I thought that was super shocking to hear, especial from a guys POV. I'll try and take note. Jess just told me that i'm too introverted (she also told me that it meant i keep to myself, cuz my vocabulary is horrible). I guess that could be true. I never really noticed, but I guess i do keep my guard up really high when meeting new people. That probably has to do w/ the horrible experiences I've had in the past. And also that when i think a guy is flirting w/ me, I re-think and figure that I'm thinking too much. And that... i guess if i found out he was just being nice to me I'd be sad cuz i shoulda known he wasn't interested.... ugh... it hurts mama....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

prophesizing the future??

.... is possibly my new calling ;) Hahaha if all else fails. I dug out my tarot cards last week and started reading my fortune a lot. And i know that the cards are supposed 2 be really generic so they could hold true to anyone, but I think my readings have been creepily true (on a good day that is). For starters I keep on drawing a lot of cards from the cups suit. And i never knew this the very first time but apparently if there are a lot of 'cup' cards in your reading it means that there is a lot to do with the feelings of the heart. And personally I believe that is true cuz I always have like... unreturned feelings/ dissapointment in love life. yadda yadda. Hahah. Um... what else. Oh right, my readings, everytime i do them, always are negative. Its quite depressing too. Like my cards are almost always upside down and they say things like... i've been taken advantage of, Im a lonely person, etc, etc. Last week it said that I was going to meet a guy who isn't very energetic and doesn't enjoy going out/doing activities. (so devastated). And then at work I was did Jason, Yvonne, and Henry's reading. Jason's said that he would advance in work/ come into more money, and that he was going to meet a girl who he might settle down w/. (When i read that, and remembered what my reading was i was SHOCKED). And then I read Yvonne's and it said... soemthing like she was going to meet a tall dark and handsome guy who was energetic and enjoyed going out. (SAY WHAAA???) Haha and then i read Henry's and it said that he is a wealthy family man, and he will be coming into MORE money. Henry and Jason's part about the money is pretty true from my POV since jason is getting promoted to head chef at the new southside location. But what happened next i was NOT expecting. I went 2 work yesterday and the chefs/servers were making fun of jason cuz he was GOING ON A DATE!! holy shit do I rock or what? hahah Apparently him and the new hostess were taking a liking to each other. I told jason that his fortune came true and he said *well i was expecting that to happen in like a few years, not 2 days* I laughed. hahaha. So lady's and gents a secret admirer of mine is shall no longer be admiring me. Hah hah... yeah it was a little bit dis-heartening, but at the same time, Why Should I Care? I mean its not like I liked him right. And also if I did, i had a lot of chances. YARG i dont even know why i'm writing this blog, since I have a feeling that it sounds kinda jealous. harr...which i'm NOT.

Monday, January 15, 2007

saw David Copperfield today

I went to see David Copperfield today w/ my family. I believe it was our very first family outting with all 5 of us. I'm a little upset to offer a sigh for the day. I was a little bit....dissapointed.... It made me sad cuz I think its because i'm getting old. I remember when I was little I used to watch David Copperfield w/ a passion and I loved his magic tricks. I was seriously amazed when I saw him on tv. Today.... i dunno why I kept on thinking about how it was fixed and how he chose specific audience members. It was really sad. All the really amazing stuff about how he got like.... the car underneath the cover so incredibly fast, or made things appear/disappear. I shoulda been amazed at that stuff but... i dunno. I just kept on thinking about the technical stuff and how, i knew it wasn't really magic and that it was just clever tricks. Arg really depressing. I wanted to see a lot more of his.... really magical tricks. Like flying or something. A lot of his stuff today was done w/ the help of machines and videos, so I thought it really took it away. I kept on saying that the audience members must've been in on it, because that was the only way. And I thought a lot of the dialouge exchange seemed so staged. Arg I'm such a critic I dont know whats happened to me. However, the very last trick that he did, I thought was going to make me believe again. DC started throwing out these giant blowup balls and said whoever was holding one when the music stopped would get to go on stage. And seriously when Felix caught that rubber ball i was like *holy shit, this is gonna be amazing, this is totally going to put my doubts away if he makes felix disappear* But alas. All they made felix do was sit in a chair and watch the OTHER people disappear. quite depressing. i dont want to be old... sob sob

But on another note. I remembered something from watching Memoirs of a Geisha the other day. Even considering that it had your typical *cinderella-like* story line. There was one line that i really liked. The old Chiyo narrator said something like "Now anyone was calling themselves a Geisha" I dunno why but that line really stuck in my head. When i was lying in bed that night I kept on thinking of that and why i made note of it. I just think that... something like a true Geisha is an art. And if you think being a Geisha means wearing pretty kimono's and make up, you cant seriously understand what a real Geisha is. If I was the real life Sayuri I would be SO angry seeing these young adolescent girls walking around practically mocking something that meant so much to me. I mean, how many years of training did it take Chiyo and all those other girls to become even a miko. And then here in the exact same place they grew up were tons of girls walking around pretending to be Geisha's and having absolutely no clue what it meant to be a Geisha. Arg. Just thinkging about it makes me kinda angry. I mean, not just the art of Geisha, but a lot of other things that people do too. Good things take time to learn and I guess maybe it kind of annoys me at how people are always trying 2 find faster ways to get it. The only example i can think of right now is those, 'get-rich scheme's' or these tv degrees, that say you can get a good degree in 4 months in the comfort of your own home. Its kinda disgusting. Why can't you be like everyone else and work hard for 4 years. Its disgusting seeing someone flaunt something off that they haven't properly earned. I think the equivilant of that currently is the word poseur. (spell check) In high school I think i might've been one, and i feel kinda ashamed. As of now I dont 'think' I'm one anymore, but I'm not sure. If I am someone please tell me.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Singing in the Rain.

I'm still taking a film studies class, but this one doesn't require a film journal. Even so, I liked writing those journals so i think i'll continue w/ it.

Singing in the Rain.
Ho hum, we watched 'Singing in the Rain' on Thursday, and i actually really really liked that movie. If i had actually written this post on Thursday I would've been able 2 comment a lot more on it. I really liked the Cosmo character (Donald O'Connor). I thought he was funny and cute. I pretty much liked everything about that movie. It had a good storyline, good characters, good dancing. haha the dancing comment could have to do w/ the fact that i just started watching *so you think you can dance* and am especially paying attention to dance rountines and footwork now. Yahahah. I can't remember what else i liked about that movie..... Oh i know that i thought Lina Limore* was super annoying. *I caan't staaaand 'em* hahaha

i've been on a movie binge this week. I watched The Covenant, Snakes on a Plane, The Constant Gardener, and Memoirs of a Geisha. The last one is the only one i watched through its entirety and therefore is the only one i would like to comment on.

Memoirs of a Geisha
I thought this movie was also equallly good. I really liked this movie too. I thought i read somewhere that Memoirs didn't get good ratings, but i thought it was really good. I remember reading that people felt the english and dialouges were really bad, but personally i thought they were really well done. I like hearing japanese/chinese people speak english with their accents. (Grammatically correct English that is) I liked the story line too. Hahah typical Cinderella/happy ending story. Me love those. Sigh.... so pretty. Hahah, i'm listening 2 music right now, along w/ talking 2 people on msn which is why these journal entries suck. haha so non descriptive.

anyways. I went 2 work this past friday and saturday. And this is the week were no one came. Hahah. I was doing tarot card readings at work on friday and i was pretty on. It was fun. I like readint ppls fortunes and hearing them say *hey thats pretty good* YEAH rock on. Maybe i should make a profession as a tarot card reader. ;) anyums I gotta go 2 bed now so i can wake up 2 work 2morrow. Buh bye

Thursday, January 04, 2007

getting old is depressing

never thought i'd say that. but its true. So so depressing. This is they year were i have discovered i am old. hahah....*sigh* For xmas i only had 5 presents this year.... I rememeber when me and my brothers were little and the xmas tree was swamped by presents. haha i'm greedy. any hoo. 1 of my presents wasn't even wrapped, and 1 of them i already knew what it was. So the 1st present i opened was a bottle of mans cologne. (or really bad women's perfume) and the second one was a baby blue Nike sweater. if any of you know me you'll know that i dont wear baby blue, nor do i wear nike. (i asked my mom if she wanted the perfume and the sweater. haha i'm a jerk) And then i was done opening my presents. so sad. Hhaha well it wasn't THAT bad, my brothers chipped in and got me a DS Lite and mario 64. So that was good. I played mario for at least 12 hours on the 26th. Hahah, its quite sad.
And then, do you nkow what i did on new years eve after the count down? I went over to yee sum's place and played ds w/ alex grace and jess. Hahaha oh boy. i recall i even said *boy i'm tired,* at 11:45 PM. hahaha im a disgrace to 21 year olds everywhere. but speaking of ds i think i'm going to go up and play some. i sense mario is feeling lonely. MWA HWA HWA