Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Citizen Kane

Hello movie fans, so the movie in review today will be Orson Welles' Citizen Kane. I never watched this movie before actually, but i heard lots about it saying it was a total classic, and movie to watch, so i was looking forward to seeing it today. Welp, heres my thoughts.

Today I watched Citizen Kane for the very first time. I've heard a lot about this movie so I was looking forward to watching it. Throughout the movie I had a hard time identifying a theme/ main idea. It wasn't until the mansion scene with Charles and Susan that a theme finally sunk in my head. It was almost all surrounding money and what it can (and cannot) buy. The mansion was large and extremely lavish, but at the same time void and bleak. The hugeness of the mansion was only noticable because Charles and Susan were the only ones in it. It was filled with expensive yet, cold and inanimate objects. Susan was also depicted building puzzle after puzzle. The diamond studdend hands building the puzzles seemed awkward doing such a mundane hobby, yet it was the only thing she could do. It's kind of cliche but it seemed that money could buy a lot of material things but it could not buy one of things Charles needed the most. Love. I was actually pretty sad during the scene when Susan left, because I thought that Charles was finally being genuinely truthful to her, but it was already too late. The shot of Kane walking past the mirror and his image being reflected many times also hinted at his loneliness. At first glance, there might appear to be many people with him, but on closer inspection, the only real person is Kane himself. I really liked Kane as a character after the cleaning company started clearing out his mansion. He kept anything and everything. So many items, like the 'Welcome Back' trophy his employees gave him, to the bedposts of his bed from the office of the Inquisitor meant nothing to the public, but everything to Kane.
After looking back on my notes, I thought this movie was set up pretty interestingly. The audience discovers at the very end that Rosebud was the name of Charles' sled, the same sled he was seen playing with when the audience was first introduced to him as a young child. At the same time, the snowglobe that triggers his memory of Rosebud, is one of the objects on Susan's cabinet in the background when the audience is first introduced to her. Both of them were such simple and probably cheap objects, yet both came from a past that was simple and free.
Another line from this film which I found quite interesting was when one of the reporters trying to uncover the meaning behind the word rosebud said, "It'll probably turn out to be a very simple thing...." I remember when I wrote this I was thinking of what rosebud could possibly mean, and was sure that it was going to weave out some complex story. After re-reading my notes a few hours ago I was honestly surprised at how the newsreporter was right, but at the same time, to him Rosebud as a sled would have been seen as a simple thing, but to Charles Kane himself, a distant memory of a simpler life, filled with the love of a parent.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

dreaming of nightmares

So i should have been asleep like... 5 hours ago. but yeah, we all know when it comes to regimines i'm all talk and Buuut anyways, while making my last rounds on this cpu o'mine i tried to think of some last thing to do that would postpone my need to turn of the computer and go to sleep. AND i thought of recapping the nightmare that i had last night. It shure was freaky y'all. I haven't had a nightmare in a long time and i actually woke up and my heart was pounding. hahah never the less i immediatly closed my eyes and *thought happy thoughts* before my imagination went into overdrive and shadows started taking on scary shapes. Hahah, but anyways so heres the dream that i had:
I was in school taking notes about Ancient Egypt and then our textbook had a picture of a mummifed Egyptian Princess. And it was an actual dried up corpse (not one of those completely wrapped up bodies) And i remember looking intensely at the long leathery boney fingers of the mummy and shuddering thinging how creepy those were. And then flash to a group of me and some friends talking to this new egyptian exchange student. And everyone was like *oh shes so pretty, shes so friendly, she's so nice, yadda yadda yadda* (me included) And then, flash to some hallway where everyone was walking down the hallway laughing and joking. When suddenly the girl stopped walking and started crying. Naturally everybody crowded around her and asked her what was wrong. She said through sobs *I'm so jealous of you guys. Your life is so fun and carefree.... (And then i noticed her skin started to slowly dry out)....your life is the complete opposite of family is very strict.... and i'm expected to live my life a certain way....* Then she looked up and said *i want your lives* And right at that moment her skin started turning into that mummy princess from class. I distinctly remember seeing those fingers dry up exactly like the picture in the textbook and it creeped me out so much. I think she started hobbling towards me and then i jolted away.....HOOO MAN it creeped me out really bad. hahaha.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Modes of Screen Reality

( That will be the title for this week's FS entry, since there was more than one movie.)

Compilation of Lumiere Films.
So, these little clipits of movies I found pretty interesting (and quite humorous) to watch. I made note of how all the scenes always contained some type of tremendous action/ noticable movement. This was especially noticable in one of the factory clips where, I'd guess the camera started filming too early and therefore there was almost no noticable motion whatsoever until the bunch of workers walked on screen. Another thing i noticed was how all the characters on screen seemed to be moving at a faster/ sped-up pace. The narrator said something about sporadic movement as possibly being the camera's fault and the actor's fault. I guess this would be true considering that the director was trying to capture 'everybody trying to do soemthing' in less than 50seconds. I thought it was pretty interesting to note that there was still the possibilty of people 'over-acting' even though they probably didn't know that existed at the time. So that probably tied in with the theme of reality for this first movie. The Lumiere Brothers were obviously filming clips of everyday life and therefore producing realistic clips. Certain clips even felt documentary like. Overall I thought these little 50second clips were pretty interesting to watch considering that they were produced very early in movie producing history and it was interesting to see early experimentations that have continued on to the present day.

Trip to the Moon
Of the 3 movies that we watched today, I probably disliked this one the most. Not saying that I hated it, but it just wasn't my favorite. It says that this film was produced in 1902 and I'm sure special effects technology was still pretty new at the time, but I felt that everything was perhaps a bit over done. This movie would probably be called sci-fi, and I agree with that. There's also a comedy factor in this movie, and I agree that it was funny at certain parts but still kind of cheezy. I was discussing w/ some friends after the screening was over about how it was probably aiming to show off some of the new fancy special effects at the time. (ie. the poof/disappearance of the aliens after they were hit) The movie made use of costumes and props (ie. magicians robe, telescopes, spaceships and aliens) that fit with the theme of the movie and also the backdrops used were also fitting and pretty complex, I thought. But for some reason I wasn't too fond of this movie. Perhaps because the acting might have been a bit cliche, and also maybe I felt special effects were used too much causing the movie to seem much more unrealistic than it was aiming for.

The Bicycle Thief
In terms of reality, this movie probably depicted it best. I was also actually quite surprised at the depth of the story line. Again while discussing this movie with friends after the screening, one of them mentioned the depiction of class and class distinction. I was surprised that I never caught that even though there was evidence of it throughout the movie. Mainly the difference between how the two different bicyle thiefs were treated. When Antonio's bike was stolen no one tried to help the lower class man catch his bike. But on the otherhand, when Antonio tried to steal the wealthier suit wearing man, practically the whole street started chasing after him, and eventually caught him. The depiction of class distinction was pretty good and once again I was quite surprised at the complexity of this movie. To Antonio that bike was everything to him and his family. They had to sell their bedsheets (part of Maria's dowry) to get enough money for that bike. And when Antonio was finally in his work uniform his family looked on at him so proudly because with that bike he would finally be able to start making good money. After the bike is stolen I felt the audience could really sense his despair and frustration. That bike literally was everything, to him, and he was desperate and willing to do anything to get it back. Juxtapose this with what happens when the wealthy man gets his bicyle back after Antonio tries to steal it. 3/4 of the movie was used to show Antonio searching for his bike, and 3 mintues was probably use to show the wealthy man and his search. Even though the man decided not to press charges against Antonio, it also goes to show that the bicycle probably didn't mean quite that much to him, as Antonio's bike meant to him. I was expecting a happy ending to this movie for some reason, and when the words FINE appeared I was pretty sad. All I could think about was what Antonio and Bruno were thinking as they walked home. Antonio would probably be pretty disgusted with himself knowing that he stooped to stealing all for a simple bike, the fact that his son witnessed him do it, and also that he'll have to live with this consequence for the rest of his life. It was also pretty ironic I though how one of the officers said to Antonio " can thank God, that he's not pressing charges." Because if God was really the one to have helped Antonio, you figure he would have done it a long time ago rather than making him go through this big ordeal and having the outcome turn out the way it did. (As a side note, I really did like the character/actor Bruno though. He was really adorable and I think he did an excellent job)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


(so, one of the assignments in my film studies class is to keep a Film Journal to record my thoughts and impressions about the movies that we watch. I'm thinking that I'd encorporate my entries there into this blog of mine, since i'll probably be writing them in the same way that i write my usual rants. Welp here goes.)
I'd like to say that I'm an extremely trusting person. In that i trust almost everybody and everything they say. While watching this movie I noticed that there were a lot of...not quite lies, but rather unknowns. The first thing i wrote down in my notes after watching the movie was: Who is telling (believing) a lie? Ani & Cecelia, Ali & Raffi, and Raffi & David (the interrogation officer). Since there appeared to be more than one pairing I figured this was probably an important theme. In all cases both people believed they were right therefore the other person must have been wrong. To be able to see two people fight for their beliefs so strongly was pretty interesting but at the same time, kind of sad because that meant that at least one persons belief was probably wrong. Having said this, I also thought the movie was pretty interesting. It offered some insight to the truths(and lies) that certain people are willing to fight for. And also that there are certain people who are willing to forget and deny what might be the truth. The scene that i found most interesting was the one where Raffi and Ali are talking in the car after the filming of the movie. The two of them have different beliefs about whether or not the Armenian Genocide really occurred. So not only is there a barrier between them in beliefs, there is also a physical barrier in terms of the car seats. Compared to the similar scene of David and Philip's conversation where the two are sitting side by side, here Raffi is sitting in the front of the car while Ali is sitting in the back. I thought for a really long time trying to figure out who was the one in the position of power. But I guess maybe its meant that both of them could be. Raffi is obviously in the front indicating power, but he is unable to see Ali without straining to see. Ali, on the otherhand is in the back, but at the same time he is able to see Raffi's back, another possible position of power. Probably some of my favorite scenes in Ararat are the ones between David and Raffi. Like David notions at near the end of the film, even though Raffi is lying, he comes much closer to telling the real truth because of it. Raffi's cam-corder is constantly playing throughout the whole interrogation and is always juxtaposed next to his face. Since Raffi went to the city of Ani by himself he was probably able to think without distractions and say everything that was on his mind/in his heart. So basically it was like having his thoughts on display. Overall I felt Ararat was pretty good. I was however a bit confused about what i thought of Ani, Raffi's mom. I'm not too sure if the audience was supposed to empathize with her or not. But i found myself more drawn to Cecilia, Raffi's step-sister/girlfriend. Anyways, aside from that bit, i did enjoy watching this movie, and if given the time would watch it a second time to get a better understanding of certain parts.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1:21 AM

is the current starting time of this post. Lets see how long it takes me to make a short entry. (i plan on this being a short entry so lets see if i can stick to my plans.) Anyways Iris came on msn these past few days so i've been talking 2 her a lot catching up on new and old stuff that we've missed. I told her the epic story of of my co worker and the awkwardness that is him. So.... i've been telling everyone how, when we were just friends i thought he was an okay pretty average guy. But after discovering his TRUE intentions, i have found myself paying close attention to the little things about him that annoy me. (once again this could have to do w/ my standards being to high...but we'll see) So, i think i've mentioned all of his young niave annoying traits that just make me want to punch him in the face. But today i found another one. So on sunday my boss put up the new schedule and i seen that he re-hired our old bus girl. (the same bus girl that he used to have a super crush on.) So i was like *oh this is great, maybe she'll take some of the pressure off me!* ....or so i thought. i was talking to him on msn today and i asked him if he knew who was bussing next week and he said yes he did. I then did my famous OHhohoho laugh, and he said. so, it doenst make a difference. and i was like (...uh oh) so i asked. *dont you like her anymore?* and he said. *No.* ....that was it. I was a little bit shocked, but at the same time i was expecting it. I told him it was pretty sad that he can suddenly stop liking a girl so quickly. Its like no faithfulness at all. I said to myself before he answered my question 'if he says no, them i'm absolutely positive that hes not my type.' low and behold he said no. I guess i'm kind of contradicting myself here with my 'standards' but really though. I dont really see how you can so easily brush someone off, especially considering that he was crazy about her when he first saw her. Like....i guess comparing my co worker and me, to Roni and Henry.... i'd have to give Henry props for continuing to chase R for like....2 years. Even though he knew that she didn't really like him, he still tried to change her mind. Like my co worker on the other hand is like...yes is yes, no is no.....maybe i should tell him no.... I dunno theres a word i'm trying 2 think of that he doesn't have. I guess like....its easy to give up on exam or something physical like that. But... liking someone i think is different. I guess if i was a guy and i found out a girl i liked didnt like me i wouldn't just give up and call it quits. I'd see it as a a hunt for the beautiful mayflower of love. (recognize that anyone? hahah) But so yeah. i've heard about a lot of couples hooking up after like...years of the guy chasing the girl and the girl suddenly realizing how devoted he is to her and decides to give him a chance. He told me that *its just a crush* and i thought that was bullshit. I've had crushes before and i never stopped liking someone just suddenly out of the blue because my chances seemed low. Pretty pathetic. So yeah, this is some words of advice from someone who probably shouldn't be offering advice.... But seriously, girls do pay attention to small stuff like that. It doesn't seem very man-ly to give up so easily on a girl that you were 'crazy about'. Because honestly if you really were crazy for her i think you'd be willing to try a lot harder to get her to like you back friend, at the rate your going, your list of cons will soon turn into a dictionary of 'why i do not like you' ....sorry man.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Planning for Animethon 14....

So...while slacking off today i was looking up pictures of cosplayers from Animethon 13. And then i started thinking of people that i could be. And so yeah, i'm going to write out a small list of possibilities. Oh yaaah. i still have like unfinished Miwako costume in my closet...maybe i should consider that too.... And to think that i paid money for a wig and never used it....maybe halloween. But anyways. So far I've thought of being these characters.
-Dante from Devil May Cry 3. (might have to do something about that bare man chest he shows though....
-Hayate from Naruto. (even though hes dead i thought he was pretty cool)
-Temari from Naruto. (aside from Anna this is actually the first girl that i've wanted to cosplay as. Both of her costumes are pretty neat so we'll see)
-Dark from DNAngel. (because nobody can resist a swashbuckling thief)
-Michael from Angel Sanctuary (I like Michael...besides i'm the perfect height...which is short)
-Tifa from FF7 Advant Children (this one is really just because i like Tifa and the costumes ive seen so far didn't do her justice....)
-Livio from Trigun Maximum (i just added this on sept. 12 because after my 9th time reading vol. 9, i have come to the conclusion that Livio the Double Fang is awesome. His costume prolly isn't that hard either. Its actually really simple. Pretty much exactly the same as Wolfwoods plus white hair and better accessories. I just have to keep an eye out for a good skull mask during halloween)

Does anyone worry/wonder that i seem to like cosplaying as men most the time..... Maybe its just cuz girl costumes aren't as neat. Also could have to do w/ the fact that i think i can make myself look more handsome than i can pretty. haw haw haw. So yeah. As of right NOW i'm thinking Temari or Dark. Just because their costumes would probably be the easiest to make but if you add the right accessories it can look really really good. Dante and Hayate's costumes look kinda hard. I'd assume material for a long red Trenchcoat would be pretty expensive, not to mention i'd have to make good props. I'd mainly do Dante so that i could dye my hair white and do his face. Pretty much the same thought for Hayate. I wouldn't look forward to making the vest (so many pockets!!!) But i'd want to do his face. (so many cosplayers i've seen do such a good job on costumes but the make up/hair is really really bad.) Michael is probably just a thought because he is cool. I would have to cut my hair supah short and i dont know if i could draw the tattoo on myself. We'll see about Tifa, I'd have most problems w/ the shoes i'd think.
But yah, thats the main theme behind this entry. Hahah i'm a loser. I dont know what i want to be for halloween this year though...we'll see.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Oh Wolfwood.....

I Just finished reading volume 9 of Trigun Maximum. I'll have to say that so far it is my absolute favorite volume, even considering that vash isn't in it. But its really good. If i remember correctly i think wolfwoods outcome is the same in the manga as it is in the anime. And after reading 9, like 6 times in 3 days it will make me really really miss him, because he is such a strong and loyal guy, whos not willing to give up. (quite the opposite of my workmate if you noticed....) So anyways, this picture is dedicated to you super good looking Wolfwood. hohoh i drew it several months ago. I was too lazy to edit out all the sketchings and stuff. I never actually drew Wolfwood before so i didn't know how to draw his hair, so i had to do some practises.
Oh woe is me. I wonder what will happen to you in the end.......

i'm back and a thousand dollars richer.

Hello everyone, this is a picture of my cousin alex and what i did to him the first day i went back to fort mcmurray. It makes me laugh evertime i see it. Alex is my favorite little cousin. Hoh hoh.
Soo... i forget if i've said anything these past few blogs, but i've discovered recently that i have an admirerer. I always thought i'd be extremely happy to have one, but as i have discovered.... sometimes its not that great. Sooo. i just found out a few days before i went back to fort mac that some one likes me (which is extremely rare) and i was like *ooh i dont know what to do because i'm not sure what i think about him* and then i was like. *well i guess i can go back to fort mac and sort out my feelings* and that is exactly what i did. I discovered that i do not feel the same way about him. i tried to make a list of pro's and con's and there were a LOT of cons.... i feel kinda bad but its true. like as a friend i like him, but thats all really. From what i know of him hes not really 'my type'. And then it started to annoy me that he would text msg me everyday w/ the most mundane information. It got really annoying. and the fact that i avoided going on msn truly makes me believe that i dont really like him that way. He got me something from calgary and i didn't know what to expect or do when i received it. (it was a panda plushy). And then today i seen a picture of 2 of those panda plushies hugging each other on the BG of his cell. eeeyaaaa. I think that one of the main reasons that i wont think of him as more than just a friend is the fact that hes not very mature. I think i'm more mature than he is and i'm very immature. Plus.... I dunno its also the little details i pick up at work. Like how he'll tell someone the mean things that people say about them for no reason whatsoever and that starts building grudges. and he also asks for certain people to get fired and stuff. Just small stuff like that that i pick up on. And also when me and him and 2 of my workmates young kids were playing GC he seemed to take it really really seriously. like serious button jamming win win situations because you know how important it is to beat two 12 year old kids right?. ERG i dunno its all this is just making me really frustrated right now. If i could ask for one thing for my boyfriend to have it would be to be able to stand by myside and back me up if i ever needed his help, and i just dont see him doing that. ARG.
But really, change in direction here because thats really angering me. starts in 2 days....*sob sob* i hate school. i'm gong to be taking 5 classes this year.... this actually going to be the 1st time i've had 5 courses in one semester since 1st year when i dropped psych. hoy we'll see how that goes. i'm also going to experiment w/ the not buying of a bus pass for september to see if i can time manage better. But yeah so thats all the plans that i have for now. Oh. i just finished reading TRIGUN vol. 9 I actually really like that one. Even though vash wasn't in it, it was pretty good. I read it at least twice so far. Yum yum. Welp, thats all for now folks.