Wednesday, August 23, 2006

would you like some buttermelon

translated to english that would be equivalent to 'would you like some avocado'. hohoho. But anyways. small post today. Just wanna comment on fort mcmurrays male population. Theres not that many good looking young guys around my age here is there? BUT however, when one does appear, they sure are cute. Tee hee. I seen a guy come in yesterday who looked like jacob hoggarth from hedley. He was cute. and i caught him secretly looking at me. MWA MWA. hahaha.
Today i went and got my very first filling. I was super nervous and it took like....10 mintues. They put this giant purple rubber tarp-like mask over my mouth and i sat w/ it on for a good 5 mintues waiting for the doctor to come in. Then after my mouth was numb till 8PM. I think i was drooling for a good 10 mintues before i realized. hahaha. Numb mouth is funny. Welp i'm supah tired so i'm gonna go sleep now. chow.
PS. i have made it my next mission to forget about 'you know who'. ADD OIL!!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Um, hey everybody....

So yeah....if anyone read the post from yesterday i was debating whether or not my workmate liked me or not. I said that i *thought* maybe he did, but that i also could have been wrong because hes just an overall nice friendly guy. Well, its funny how somethings reveal themselves really quickly. I left back for fort mac today, and he knew that i was leaving today. At 9AM while i was still sleeping i recieved a text msg from him (undoubtedly on his way to work) that read as follows:
"Well see you in like 10 days. Unless you come to eat, then i'll see you in a few hours. I'm gonna miss you."
Dwear Mne....uuuuuung That last sentence i think pretty much answered my question of uncertainty. ung ung. So now i dont know what to do. Because like i said before i dont rather i know i dont feel the same way about him. At least of my own free will. Like i'll find myself thinking of him sometimes, but its more thinking *if i like him that way*. And personally, if you have to think about that, i think you should know the answer. But like.... uuuuug i dunno either if like....maybe i set my standards to high or something. Like. i dunno when i notice a good looking guy i usually say like *oh he has nice eyes, or his arms are nice, or his smile is cute* and thats like....physical stuff. But i find sometimes i start liking someone i've known for a long time after i've gotten to know their personality. Uggggh. I'm really confused right now. I was going to use this entry to try and clarify some of my feelings right now. But i'm talking to Jess about Craig (something i've never done before) and its bringing back some painful memories again.... i'll try this again some other time.

in a fairy tale world

Is it weird that this past month i've been having a more than usual amount of dreams and daydreams of craig? More so daydreams, but a few dreams here and there. But more so daydreams and thoughts. Like i keep on imagining what would happen if he came in to kyoto one day. (this is all assuming that i'd recognize him, even though i've only seen like....old old old pictures of him) But i keep on thinking about....about what i'd do if i ever bumped into him. And like i'd hope he'd recognize me but i'm not sure. So like. today i was thinking if he really came in to eat, if i'd have enough guts to walk up to him and talk to him. And if i did what the hell would i say to him. *hi are you craig? i'm corinna you've ruined 2 years of my life?* No i'd probably not. i'd proably try to ease in and find out if it really was him. *did you used to live in fort mcmurray?* But at the same time if he said *yes i did* i dont know what i'd do after. I dont know if i'd be too overwhelmed to say anything or if i'd start like getting all teary eyed. (i'm sure the latter is not possible). And then, theres also the possibility that i might be too scared/nervous to walk up and talk to him. And if that were the case and he left w/o me saying a single word of recognition to him....i think i might really cry. That after like....2 years of waiting to meet you and i finally do, but before i get the chance to talk to you i let you walk out....that would be really crushing. So yeah, its kind of like a lose lose situation. But i guess i should also consider that he doens't live in edmonton anymore...or alberta....or possibly canada....
But, speaking along the line of guys. Another little dilema i've got going on. (always happens around the end of summer) So.... i have a workmate at work, who i'm not sure if he likes me or something. Like i'm usually pretty good at that kind of stuf....or actually no i'm not. But i can't tell. So.... my workmate he keeps asked me to go to calgary to watch the fireworks competition w/ him. and like, no biggie there cuz he asked all the workmates. But, i dunno if this makes a difference or not but, i told him that i wasn't going to go cuz i didn't have the money 2 do that. And he said *i'll pay for you*. I feel pretty stupid because maybe i'm just thinking one sided here and that, thats what any normal friend would do, and that i'm thinking way to hard. But, he also constantly asks me to go out and have ice cream, and watch movies and go clubbing. and same w/ the *i'll pay for you* bit..... so yeah i'm not sure. Just thought i'd voice that little tid bit.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Paper Dress Princess

Konnichiwa! Hohoho, since i have recently discovered that i can now easily post pictures in my entries, i will try to post pictures of random stuff i take more often. (That will also entice me to take pictures of more stuff)
So.... the picture on the left is of my current project in the drawing class i'm taking. The assignment was to make a garment/accessory/ wearable object out of unconventional materials. The first thing i thought of was *project runway* because i had just recently finished watching the 2nd season. hohoh. So obviously i chose a dress (actually i was thinking of purse or shoe, too) but i chose a dress, and the material was paper. If i had time and money i would have made a pretty hat or purse out of rose petals, or a pair of fancy shoes out of wax. The latter would have been my next choice i believe. But yeah so the dress turned out like that. I guess i'm pretty proud of it. It should be wearable, just that i need a supah skinny model since i cinched the dressform to practically the smallest size it would go, and then i tapered the waist of the dress even smaller. E-hehehe. So yeah i guess it turned out okay, i'm unsure right now whether or not its completely finished. I wanted 2 change the color of the obi to something different cuz my instructor said it was kind of too eye catching. If i have time i'll do that.
Oh, so Kat's b-day is coming up. I got the invite again. I like going because i get to see some old friends from high school. It's like a mini reunion each year. Hohoho. I still have to get a present though. Dwear mne, i still am on the short stack of moo-lah. *sob sob* why oh why budgetting WHY!!!! Sooo yeah. I might go to WEM 2morrow. But its almost midnight so i should be going to bread. My eye hurts like a bee-yatch. Why? Because our showerhead sucks and the little rubber ring attatchment thingy keeps on slipping off so this high powered jet stream shoots out if you move it the wrong way. I was trying 2 fix it in the shower and when i moved the band it angled the water to shoot straight into my open eye. Hurt like a punch in the teeth.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh the nightmares....

This is Stewie. He currently resides face first in the corner of my brothers room because he scares me at night. I won him at klondike...sorry no Capital Ex. I was so happy when i won Brian the first day. I figured i absolutely had to go and get him a stewie companion....little did i know i'd get the equivalent of chucky in plush.
Aside from spending all my money at K-Days i'm saddened 2 say that nothing else has really happened. Thats important and that i can think of. Oh well... i bought a new pair of shoes! heheee my shoe fetish comes from my mom i swear. I've been wearing shoes w/ absolutley no support for the past few months and i think doing that has made my pinky toes numb.... so yah i dished out $95 bucks to buy these cute pair of white etnies mules. And after i did that i realized that i had no more money. Dammit. I totally forgot about rent and then now Kat's bday is coming up too so i have 2 get soemthing. and then... i have mangas that i want to buy (same ones from like 6 weeks ago btw). and possibly some new clothes so it doesn't look like i'm wearing the same thing 4 days in a row. Hoya... anyways i'm going to go outside and have some cereal. I've had like 6 bowls of it alreayd. hee hee haw haw.

Kakashi Sensei!!

This is Kakashi. He is currently residing in my bed..... *tee hee*