Tuesday, September 27, 2005


if theres ONE thing i hate more than tardy people its fucking rude people. and rude people who tell ME i'm rude?? holy hell thats asking for a gunt punch. So yes thats exactly what happened to me today. 15 mintues before closing i got told off by the fucking rudest lady ever. What a way to ruin my day. So, for all you unbelievers i will tell you the story from the start. At 8 35PM (25 minutes before the end of my shift) these 2 ladies come in (beheamoths is more correct probably) and it was starting to get busy again and it was only *only* ricardo taking tables. So i sat them at the nice clean table 13, and they sit down and look around and point to the ONLY dirty table in the restaurant and say *we want to sit there* And, so i look at the table (any other hostess, and they would have told them it was dirty and to take the table they were sitting at now) but anyways so i looked at the table and said *i have 2 clean it up so it'll be a couple minutes okay* and at that time another couple walked in and obviosly i'm going to seat them first before i go and clean up a table for another couple who *already* have a seat. So tral lala i seat them then i go 2 clean up the dirty table and then i tell them their tables ready. SOOOO they sit down. and then ricardo, who has like....4 new tables in a row comes up 2 ask me what new tables he has, and so i tell him, table3, table 23, and table 2 (the beheamoths) and i said go to table 3 first because they'be been here for awhile. and he does, then he goes to 23. and so five, MAYBE ten mintues pass and table 2 comes up. I'm heading for the phone because its ringing and the old nasty hag goes *we're leaving now. Other tables have been served before us and your service is just horrible* and so i'm in a littel shock cuz what am i supposed 2 say, you can't yell at customers obviously so i'm like *oh...um...okay* (seriously what do you say to them?) and then the lady give me THE dirties look ever and snaps *yeah, like you even care* and zooms out the door. FUCK ME i almost spat in her face, had she sad that to my face and not while zipping out the door like a pussy. So then i'm like *calm down corinna, deep breaths* and THEN she comes back in and is like *i want to see your manager* and so i'm like *okay just hold on* and i think *good, you can complain all you want to the manager because A) i'm an honest worker, B) i dont lie, i can't get in that much trouble. So i go 2 my boss and tell him what happened* and hes like *ayaaa, i dont want 2 talk 2 them right now because they are really angry, give them business card and call look for me 2morrow* So i go outside and i'm surprised i'm not hemmroaging in the brain yet. and so i say to her (still pretty politely i'd say) *my managers not in right now (getting a business card) but i'll write down his name and you ca....* *YES thats right you do that because hes going to get an earful about your (keyword YOUR) horrible service* And at this point in time i dont even know what shes doing still alive and thati haven't knocked her out yet. BUT i'm still trying 2 make an apology or something so i say soemthing like *we only have the one server working right now and hes got more than just one table*. yeah i didn't even get half that sentence out. it was pretty much *we have one s-* and the old bag goes *write your name too so i can tell your boss about your service*..... after that i just didnt' give a fuck i wrote my name down and walked away. I wasn't scared or anything cuz i dont get scared when i know i'm not wrong. and honestly...service? WHAT SERVICE, i'm not your fucking waiter, i'm your hostess, i sat you for at most TEN minutes. I cleaned up your table and took you to it. 10 bucks say half the other hostess would've been gone by that time. What the fuck did i do to you that results in you pointing at me and complaining at me and giving me that *as if you care* line. FUCK FUCK FUCK. You know that i'm seriously pissed off when the head sushi chef (who doesn't care about anything) askes me if i'm okay. Its been like 2 hours and i'm still super pissed off. If i hadn't been still on shift, and if I was seriously any meaner i woulda yelled back at her. In fact it got me even more pissed off after the fact tath she left is that i took it. GAAAAAAAAAAWD. If her impatient saggy ass had waited like 2 more minutes me or jen would have went 2 take her order but NOOOOOOO i need food now to feed my cellulite. FUCK ME, man i cant believe she ruined my day. AAAAAAAARG. customer is always right my ass. Like honestly in the past, no matter how wrong the customer was, i always clenched my teeth and apologized. But today i coudln't do it, i could NOT bring myself to apologize because that lady was SO. FUCKING. IMPATIENT. Most of the time i could see reasons as to why a customer would complain. BUT THIS WAS ABSURD. My waiters not fucking superman here jesus jones. aaaargh. after that i called up my friend while going to save ons and like yelled my lungs out. And i was holding a 4L jug of milk at the deli and i was like *FUCK IRIS I JUST WANNA HIT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH THIS* and the man standing next 2 me backed away. aaaah rage is funny soetimes

Sunday, September 25, 2005

New York Here I come Baby

ho hooo, so yup, i'm going to NY in february. whoo aaaah. so exciting. But i'm a bit scared that i will get scammed. I got a few info sheets today and one full sheet was about the dangers of new york. hahaha... maaaan. Welp, last week went by purdy fast. Jess and her mom came out on friday. And then i went to see Swan Lake on tuesday with iris, ling and tara. um.... I forget whatelse. But it certainly was a productive weekend. Erg, theres supposed to be soemthing really important i wanted to say but its completely left my mind. ho hum. Classes are coming along nicely i guess (except accounting) yes even econ is okay. Or at least the homework is coming along....*okay* I haven't even cracked a peek at the acctg text yet. Its going to be like psych all over again. My design instructor appears to be ignoring me. It makes me sad. hahaha its okay. Em, mandarin class is going into character writing this class. everyone congratulate me for not dying in the first week since all we did was say ju, qu, xu. Everyone appears to be quitting now. At YC, my brother told me the bimbo quit (prolly cuz they call her a bimbo) and so did a long time waitress. At kyoto, 2 of the waitress' gave their 2 weeks notice. but aside from that thursday was a fun day. Ricardo doesn't think i'm an idiot anymore! hahaha success. me jenn and him were reading the sex advice column in the SEE paper. aaaaah. (Tell me, what are the no no's of going to have sex with an internet 'friend' who tells you to meet them in their dark apartment room, asks you to take off all your clothes and comes into the room w/ a towel covering their head?) Ah its all good. haha. Today i made a trek around the south part of etown, picking up all my moms beauty needs. (sometimes i'm glad i'm butch and don't spend millions of dollars on skincare products) Oh right, just had to voice this. But on tuesday (ballet day) irish was....yes ladies and gentlemen late once again. I told her to come pick me up at six FOURTY FIVE at work (ballet started at 8 but i still wanted 2 go home and drop off my bookbags and stuff and fix my hair or something) well anyhoo thank goodness it wasn't busy. 6 45 rolled around....nada. 5 minutes later i called iris and her mom picked up her cell saying that she *just left* JUST LEFT? good gawd, and she still has 2 traverse down that huge flight of steps, take the train to corona, and walk down jasper. man i was soooo angry. so anyways at 7 10, her sister calls me (cuz i called her like 20 times) and i was like "where are you guy's?" *we're at your place* and i was like (smack head) so i ran home and i was like *DIDN'T I SAY 6 45 AT WORK* (i think this is the first time i've ever scolded iris before) so anyways i went into my apartment and frolicked around for maybe 10 mintues and i was like *aaargh so late, so hot* and she goes *we still have 45 mintues you know* ugh. I dunno why i didn't say this then, prolly cuz i was in rage but still. I DONT CARE HOW MUCH TIME WE HAVE LEFT, ITS THE FACT THAT I TOLD YOU TO MEET ME AT A CERTAIN TIME AND ONCE AGAIN YOU WERE LATE. one of these days iris, i tell you, your tardiness will get the best of you. i mean i wouldn't care if you were late once in awhile cuz nobody's on time everytime, but i've never seen someone be late every single time practically. Oh, and then tara got angry at iris because *we* made her wait at the jubilee for 15 minutes (coincedentially 6 45 to 7 00 is 15 minutes....) and then iris and tara started yelling at each other. huuuuh. but that was last week. Oy today this bitch lady closed the elevator door on a guy. Seriously if she wasn't yacking on the phone like an ape and a FUCKIN IDIOT she seriously should have heard the guy buzz himself in let alone start walking into the elevator. No need for those jabby fingers of yours to push the *close door button* like your going to die. and after he started to slowly get crushed by door she didn't make any movement to open up the door again. I shoulda smacked her eh? hahah naw i wouldn't, but the thought had dawned on me. Cathy told me i've gotten a lot meaner. Which if i think about it, is true. hahah she's lucky that i didn't yell at her for saying that cuz i was tempted to. hahaha. I dunno what changed but I dont seem to get suckered into doing stuff i dont want to anymore. Like last year it'd be like *corinna gimme 50 bucks and jump into this pool of spiders* and i'd be like.....*sigh...okay* Now i'm like *screw that shit*. and i guess thats why cathy thinks i'm mean, because i dont follow her to do pointless things anymore. BOY this blog sure has changed. Its like a dish up the dirt blog now. hahah i'm horrible...HORRIBLE I TELL YA. but. i gotta go now. buy some groceries 2morrow. later everyboby

Thursday, September 15, 2005

quickie tonight

no you horn dog not that kinda quickie....although....*evil snicker* hahaha jkjk.
I'm supposed 2 be in bed, because once again i have a super long day tomorrow.... sigh. straight 2 school then straight to work.... So i guess all my classes seem pretty okay. cept the 2 on TR are super boring, super long, and super....boring.... its so hard, and im always restless in there too... le sigh....but aside from that my other 2 classes on MW are good. china 101 is really boring right now (ju chu fu, ma ma ma....) haha but i think i will look forward to it. my design class is pretty okay too.... cept its really big.... but aside from that a lot of the girls are really friendly. and....ohohoho ... haha you guys are gonna call me a sick bastard for this one, but my instructor certainly is....*nice* hohoh... hahah. but if you think about it, that is a bad thing. because, i will be to distracted by his boyish good looks...hahahah so corny. so in fact. no my instructor is not good looking, not at all.... and the fact that hes like 24,25ish? no thats a complete turn off, yeah man, horrible. hes like an old old man. Just another instructor... yup. hahah. Oh we got a new *waiter* at kyoto. hahah I'm like deathy scared of him. Hes around the age of everyone else (but hes got a kid). And i'm like super scared of him cuz i can never tell if hes joking or not. hahah well i guess not scared, but like when he jokes w/ me or vice versa, we stare at each other for a couple seconds until the joker cracks a smile then we realize its a joke and laugh. haha but by that time its not very funny hahahaha. aaaah its all good though. Welp aside from all that fun fun, jess is coming out friday. Shes going to stay at some unknown friends house. Am i a bad cousin? aaah dunno. Me and cathy stayed up super late on monday night gossiping. haha its super bad, but i told her about my super friend craig. Whos craig you ask? Boy you must be new here, if you read any of my previous blogs you'd know....oh yes, you'd know. Buuuuut, cathy tells me to go and find him because she likes the sound of him. HAR i dont think she realizes how hard of a task that his. But aside from that cathy told me that the art students are going to NY this year. whoohohooo i want to go. but, i forget how much she said it was. ho hum...what else....oh i did bad on my econ hw....hahah the shame.... i think i was tryign to do it to fast... hahahaha....oops.... i have so many math-y courses this year. i guess that means i have 2 get some new batteries for my calculator...hehe. i took 2 of them out for my mp3 player... dagnab it. oy so late... hah one last thing. in design class we were drawing *isometric* drawings today and DAMN it made my head hurt hahah certain ones did anyways. i swore that very last one made my brain hemorage. hahaha. but alas i must bid thee adieu. later peoples

Saturday, September 10, 2005

boo school

Have i ever mentioned to anyone before that i hate school? Le sigh. But oh on the plus side i got into a art class! whoo yay. It really would've sucked considering that i'm an art student and aren't taking any art classes. So yup, i'm taking, Accounting 300, Economics 101, China 101, and Des 370. I hope i like des 370 more than i liked des 390. whoooo ee. I really should be doing my homework right now, but i'm looking on the internet for who i want to cosplay as next year for animethon. I have decided to be for shure at least one of the following two guys. Either Reno the red head from FFVII, or ANBU Kakashi from Naruto. I think i'm leaning more towards kakashi because....well his costume looks more fun, and i'll say unique for now, since i have a hard time finding ppl who cosplayed as him. Reno's costume is really simple and i guess hes kinda old and *technically* not anime. I guess i COULD be both of them. But that would mean that my Miwako costume im 75% done would go to waste....oh the choices the choices. I need my sketchbook back from cathy. I want to make some sketches and plan the costumes out. haha i'm a geek. But alas, i think....no i MUST get started on that econ hw. Its due sunday....oh the shame the shame....i have to read too i think....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

picabo hath returned

Soooo i'm back in Edmonton now. yeaaaaah. Each city has their own pluses. Schoolio starts next week and yeah baby i'm totally looking forward to that....haha yeah right. Eem, but ooh ooh theres a lot of stuff i want to do in town now. I'll make note of them here so i dont forget. FIRST of all theres that ghost tour. oh yeah baby that sounds fun. Its run by the same ppl who do pub crawls so we get to ride in a double decker bus and tour edmontons haunted places. hohohoooo. I also heard about this band thats relly good that will be playing at New City, i dunno how old you have to be but if its all ages perchance i will ask jess to go with me cuz she'll be in town. Oh and i want to go to that tatoo festival, though not as much as when i first read about it because i need to save money....yeaaaah. Um. oh and me ling and iris will be going to see ballet again. whoooo yeaaaah. thats cool. haha we're going to see Swan Lake. Ballet is fun to watch shaaadup. Har har, i want to go to WEM. i think i need some new clothes....or at least new pants.... yeah. aaaah maaan i want sushi. I WANT A FORT MCMURRAY MAKI DAMMIT. aaaand i need a hair cut.... hoho. my neuro net processor is making funny noises. but yeaaah i'm going to go back outside and molt. bah humbug. Oh wait, i had a dream, hahah i dreamt i was working at the restaurant and sum 41 came in (hah, this is the 2nd time i dreamt sum 41 came to work) how bizaare