Friday, November 25, 2016

I've developed a small addiction to sleeping pills.

It started a couple years ago when my doctor prescribed me Zoplicone.

It just made everything go away. Especially all the memories.

It gave me a little break in life. A few hours of peace and quiet where my brain wouldn't think, and I didn't feel sad.

Eventually of course the prescription ran out, and when I went to ask for more, he cut it down to 20 and said that he probably wouldn't give me anymore. So. Then I stopped using them. I saved them up for really bad nights. And some time went by. But then I found out you could order OTC sleeping pills online. With almost the same effect as the prescription pills. In almost twice the amount with no one stopping me, I take them as often as I can. In fact I've taken them every day this week.

And I think last week.

Sometimes I mix it up with a bit of Melatonin and I feel nothing at all.

It is the best thing in life.

If you guys saw how much pain I felt the last time I saw him, you would understand too.

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