Tuesday, January 10, 2017

We're just friends.


Maybe not even anymore.

I couldn't take the pretending anymore so I just told him I liked him.

To sum it up. He didn't know what to say and kept pretending/trying to talk to me like nothing had happened which made it really really really hard on me. He even got mad at me for not talking to him.

And so, right before New Years Eve I just said to him that I couldn't talk to him anymore because I was in a lot of pain.

And he hasn't talked to me since.

I keep telling myself he's just super selfish and contradicted everything he said about me. He's probably still dating the 22 year old, going out partying every week, and doesn't care. I keep telling myself a lot of things to feel better. That he never really paid attention to little details about me anyways. That I cared a lot more than I should have for him.

It's not so bad. I'm not as sad as when I lost Dave and it's a lot easier this time around. Most likely because we never actually dated.

I just pretended.

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