Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Day, New Start

Hey pookies. How ya'll doing? Unemployment sucks. I have so much free time on my hands I dont even know what to do with it. c-r-a-z-y. So yeah, i took some pictures, and uploaded one. This is me being silly. Trying to look pretty. This is what i wore to the charity auction yesterday. I liked my outfit. I like the top that I bought. But anyums, I wore a black flowy top, with a bow that tied up in the back. If someone was holding the camera for me I woulda took a back shot. Hahaha, then i wore the tights i bought in HK with the beads and bow ties. And my white shoes and pearls completes the look. One of my favorite *styles* is to wear almost everything in one color (usually black) and then a focal point/ shot of color somewhere. It looks really sharp. Guys who do this win my heart. yeh yeah. My hair looks better here than it did yesterday. Um... oh yeah, so change of pace today. I've been ranting a lot lately but I thought I'd mix it up and make this a happy entry by JUST commenting on the stuff that happened in the past few days that made me happy :)
Okay... i just wrote this giant entry on stuff that happened but i realized theres only really one thing that made me really happy this week and that I really want to comment on. Here goes...
On Friday the guy I like told me I looked pretty and kissed me on the head..... :) It makes me smile whenever I think about it.... Yeah i know i'm totally contradicting the entry i wrote yesterday, but its true. I don't expect anything from that because i know all we're ever gonna be is mutual friends... but its just one of those things that makes a girl happy. He was like an hour and a half late, and when i finally seen him show up, i pretended not to see him and started talking to my other friend. I heard him start introducing his friend and then when he got to me he gave me a hug from behind, told me i looked pretty and kissed me on my head..... not in a romantic gesture, but a friendly one. i just realized now what happened....haha. It was just something unexpected thats all. But like I said it was pretty much like before we met. I just want to get some distance between us is all. I didn't talk to him all night, but he came and sat down next to me and asked how i was doing. So yeah, back to square one i guess, cept that everytime i see him its not. hahaha. But, yeah, i'm gonna keep on saying this till I'm all good again. Distance is good. I'm not gonna go to the library just to visit him or sign in to msn just to see if he'll talk to me. gotta get back to normal corinna-mode.

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