Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Day, New Start

Hey pookies. How ya'll doing? Unemployment sucks. I have so much free time on my hands I dont even know what to do with it. c-r-a-z-y. So yeah, i took some pictures, and uploaded one. This is me being silly. Trying to look pretty. This is what i wore to the charity auction yesterday. I liked my outfit. I like the top that I bought. But anyums, I wore a black flowy top, with a bow that tied up in the back. If someone was holding the camera for me I woulda took a back shot. Hahaha, then i wore the tights i bought in HK with the beads and bow ties. And my white shoes and pearls completes the look. One of my favorite *styles* is to wear almost everything in one color (usually black) and then a focal point/ shot of color somewhere. It looks really sharp. Guys who do this win my heart. yeh yeah. My hair looks better here than it did yesterday. Um... oh yeah, so change of pace today. I've been ranting a lot lately but I thought I'd mix it up and make this a happy entry by JUST commenting on the stuff that happened in the past few days that made me happy :)
Okay... i just wrote this giant entry on stuff that happened but i realized theres only really one thing that made me really happy this week and that I really want to comment on. Here goes...
On Friday the guy I like told me I looked pretty and kissed me on the head..... :) It makes me smile whenever I think about it.... Yeah i know i'm totally contradicting the entry i wrote yesterday, but its true. I don't expect anything from that because i know all we're ever gonna be is mutual friends... but its just one of those things that makes a girl happy. He was like an hour and a half late, and when i finally seen him show up, i pretended not to see him and started talking to my other friend. I heard him start introducing his friend and then when he got to me he gave me a hug from behind, told me i looked pretty and kissed me on my head..... not in a romantic gesture, but a friendly one. i just realized now what happened....haha. It was just something unexpected thats all. But like I said it was pretty much like before we met. I just want to get some distance between us is all. I didn't talk to him all night, but he came and sat down next to me and asked how i was doing. So yeah, back to square one i guess, cept that everytime i see him its not. hahaha. But, yeah, i'm gonna keep on saying this till I'm all good again. Distance is good. I'm not gonna go to the library just to visit him or sign in to msn just to see if he'll talk to me. gotta get back to normal corinna-mode.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

i hurt.....

.... i just dont get it.... when i really want to see him, i dont. And then, the one time i dont want to see him, i do. its frustrating....I'm just REALLY trying 2 get past him right now. And, i was actually doing pretty well. T called me up to tell me waht time the party started. And then she said *oh btw so-and-so is coming*..... and i paused n said something in an unexcited voice. I just.... its one of those times when, your not angry at someone...but you dont want to see them, because seeing them makes you feel sad. And.... and he doesn't even know it. Yeah, i dont think it was that bad though.... kinda like before we knew each other when he'd sit over there, and i'd sit over here. And not talk. Just what i wanted right? But, it still felt sad when he left though. Frig i dont even know why. And THEN there was the whole deal with the event tonight too. I was pretty excited about getting 2 go to a semi-formal event. I haven't been to one in a long time. Me and Iris and Cathy used to go do stuff like that once a month. Watch ballet, go out 2 eat at pretty restaraunts.... I missed that. So yeah i was pretty happy 2 go do that again tonight. But like.... i dunno, it was pretty good at first, being dressed up, but like... the settings weren't the same. And..... i just miss cathy and iris. Cuz we'd sit around and talk and gossip. But here everyone would get up and wander and talk w/ their other friends. And then, after the auctions were all over D was like *hey you guys hungry? wanna go out and grab a bite 2 eat?* and i was up for that cuz i didn't eat supper yet, and thats what iris and cathy would used 2 do after an event too. We'd go over 2 Joey's and eat, and then cathy would go home and me and iris would walk 2 my place where she would probably sleep over. Plus i love food. and being dressed up and going out 2 eat. But after the auction was over everyone went 2 this tiny dance floor 2 dance. And... and i was in that lethargic mood again. And i felt stupid sitting at the table while everyone was dancing, so i went 2 the dance floor. And then i felt even stupider cuz i didn't want 2 dance so i just stood in the corner. I'm such an idiot. So i just ended up giving iris a call. And talking 2 her till everyone decided 2 leave.... oh and yeah, they decided they didn't want to eat, but instead chose 2 go 2 a club. How awesome. Dave gave me a ride home, but i kinda wanted 2 walk, he kept on asking me, and i just gave in cuz i felt bad. I miss my friends because we always want 2 do the same stuff, and we jsut sit and talk about random stuff. I always have a good time and i never leave feeling upset or sad. You guys have no idea....

Saturday, November 10, 2007


yeah zhou-minger you got that? no more of this unhappy BS. You too gods up there, stop fuckin around with me and give me some breathing space between each bad day AIGHT. Yeah, so i feel better now. Lets just keep in that way. Right after jess left I got into a arguement with her over something stupid. I got upset, and I cried and hurt myself, then took a bunch of sleeping meds to knock me out so i'd fall asleep right away and not think about anything. I woke up and i felt like crap. went to class and still felt like crap. Sometimes i think its amazing that people can tell I'm down even when theres no chance. At work i can see how, i dont talk obviously. But in an hour long lecture w/ the lights down low, and only the prof's voice, I was really surprised that my classmate knew something was wrong. But i ended up calling shane out to talk.... i ...i REALLY dont know why i called him out of all people.... it was the first time ive seen him since halloween. I thought that I was finally going to be able to get it all out. I was wrong. He asked me what was wrong, and i started crying....and then we went 2 HUB and it just went downhill from there. FUCK it was so frustrating, there was so much stuff I wanted to say and i couldn't get the words out. I opened my mouth like 50 thousand times and all i got out was *i...i....i dont know...* After all, how is someone supposed 2 help me if I dont tell them whats wrong.... So in the end he said he had to get back to work, because we sat there for an hour and i barely got any words out. Haven't talked to him since. Figure someone would be a little bit more worried about me than that hey? ah whatever. So anyways, I got home and I called tracy out for dinner, but she already ate... so i just went and laid in bed for an hour. Later that night i went online cuz I wanted 2 talk 2 iris or ling. I started 2 tell Ling about my week, and then i decided that Jess should be the one to tell because I feel closer to her. And then.... Jess got angry at me, telling me basically to suck it up and stop moping. Yeah i know its something i should do, but that exact moment in time is not when i needed it. I got so upset my hands started shaking. So i signed out, and my first instinct was to call Iris. I haven't talked to Iris in a really really long time, but she's always there for me. Keep in mind it was like 2AM. So i called her and i was like *is this iris?* "yeah....whats wrong?" ...a providence away and she still knows me.... And... for the first time in my life i just cried and i let everything out. God it was a relief. I told her what happened between me and Jess, and what happened on Halloween and everything after, and I told her about my brothers. The words didn't leave me, and I wasn't scared that iris was going to think i was stupid, and i didn't care that she was hearing me cry. you guys have no idea how much better I felt after that. no idea.... haha but so yeah. That was the start to my month hiatus of work! Hahaha, i went out shopping today, bought some new clothes. I bought a black dressy shirt, its something I dont think I'd ever take a 2nd glance at, but for some reason i picked it up and tried it on, and it looked really nice on me. haha *yay* now i'm just on the hunt for a nice pair of shoes....oh and of course a nice 男朋友。

Thursday, November 08, 2007

This is a weird feeling....

it is a very weird feeling I'm feeling right now. I'm still feeling pretty down right now, and its been exactly a week since it first started. This might be the longest its lasted before....but i guess it hasn't lasted exactly a week....I was feeling better yesterday.... ugh. I'm just upset because I thought that I was finally going to be able to get it all out and tell someone today. But instead, I just sat there.... and I couldn't get the words out. Im just so angry with myself, I have this conversation over and over again countless times with myself, I voice out everything that bothers me. But when I'm finally face to face with someone the words just leave me. I'm upset because life is unfair. I'm lonely. When I want someone to talk to I feel like I have no one. My best friends moved away. My two brothers dont talk to me. Everyone who I used to be so close to now seems so distant. I can't sleep. I'm taking more sleeping medication than I'm supposed to. I cry when I'm depressed. I think crying is weak. I cut myself because the pain takes my mind off things. I like to wander around at 2AM downtown by myself. I dont believe in Fate. I do believe in Fate. I feel like i'm never meant to be happy. When I finally feel like I'm getting a hold of my life, small stupid things come back and remind me. I feel like people dont take me serious. I dont want people to judge me. I dont like it when people misunderstand me and give me dirty looks. I dont want people to think i'm immature and ditzy. I want my parents to be proud of me. When I complain to people sometimes I just want them to listen and not comment. I know i'm far from perfect and thats fine. I want to meet a sweet guy who's not a creep. I want to find a decent job that doesn't make me feel like shit. I want to be praised. I just want to forget about the past and start over. I smile almost every day even though I'm sad because I dont want my frown to bring someone else down. I used to like reading. I hate the notion of time. Life is NOT short, its the longest thing I'll ever endure. I'm jealous of the people who can sleep at night and not worry about stupid things. I wish that I didn't worry about stupid things. I feel like I have nothing that I really excel at. I wish I didn't put others before myself.

I love the feeling of laughing so hard my eyes water. I like looking at the stars at night. I like walking downtown on a brisk night. I like big dogs. I like the smell of roses. I like pretty things. I like lace-y things. I like shoes that make me look like I have long legs. I like the smell of good cologne on a cute guy. I like tall guys. I like stuffed animals. I like going out to eat. I like lounging around with a small group of close friends. I love sewing. I love the feeling of accomplishment. I like being praised. I like ballet. I like sad songs. I like it when I do something silly and i catch my grandpa laughing at me. I like playing with kids. I like making people laugh. I like having lots of energy. I like when people say thank you. I like seeing well mannered children. I like the color pink. I like white shoes. I like seeing guys who know how to dress. I like the unexpected. I like simple jewelry. I like bright lipstick. I like staying up till the crack of dawn talking to a close friend. I like gerbera's. I like going to events as a family. I like dressing up. I like being told I look pretty by someone I like. I like feeling important. I like having good one on one conversations. I like hazelnut chocolate. I like reading books that make me think even after I've finished reading it. I like mysteries. I like sappy love stories. I like walking in the rain with someone you like. I love the feeling of being in the water. I like making desserts. I like sleeping in a comfy bed. I like the feeling of waking up next to someone who cares about you. I like finishing video games all by myself. I like hearing people laugh. I like being kissed.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

i can't eat, i can't sleep, i can't even fucking breath it hurts so much.

this might be the longest that i've ever been down before. I just can't snap it. i'm sick and tired of work, and working 12 hour shifts. And i'm sick and tired of all this shit happening to me. Its not fair. Stood up for lunch, and brushed off for an exam mark. Stood up for lunch a 2nd time to sleep in. It hurts and i just can't stop thinking about it. Fucking sucks, that the person that started this mess is STILL the only fucking person you can think about. just kill me now please.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

what an awesome day

....and by awesome i mean extremely shitty day. So now, i've experienced every type of *date*. Today i got stood up....
I dont even know why i cried. I dont mean anything to him, and he's not supposed to mean anything to me. So why did it hurt. I actually thought that he was gonna do it too. He msged me out of the blue and asked me out for lunch..... to good to be true i shoulda known. I'm such an idiot, i seen it coming so why did i cry. jerk. But whatever, i deserve it. People have been telling me that I should just forget him, and this is what i get for not listening, right. Its good that someone finally slapped me in the face and woke me up. never again....