Friday, March 09, 2007

FUCK you piss me off so much

GAAAAAAAAH, i seriously finally decided that I liked you, and that when you smiled i thought you were cute. And then you go and fucking pull that stupid fucking brb stunt again. I TOLD YOU, i HATE it when guys tell me they'll brb and DONT DO IT. It pisses me off even more becuase i told you MANY TIMES. its the one of the few things that i HATE about a guy and you always go and fucking do it. Its fucking demoralizing because it makes me feel like i'm not worht coming back for. THIS is why i dont open up to guys because I put so much faith in them, only to have them fucking hurt me again. ITS FUCKING DEPRESSING. stupid shithead.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Never give up and never give in.