Friday, March 30, 2007

Creepy Dream

Hey folks, been kinda busy this month.
Also my internet wasn't working last week... so yeah... i've been going to bed uber early. Hahah but low and behold once i get back on the net i go 2 bread at like 2AM each night..... le sigh.
Anyways i have to report about a uber creepy dream i had on Monday night. I dreamt that i died. It was real weird. I was in this giant parking lot, and it was like a gang fight going on. And ppl were shooting at me, and i was shooting at thugs... haha and then this one mofo started chasing me, and i was trying 2 evade him. But eventually i got cornered on this cliff. And rather than get shot to death... hahah i decided to jump off the cliff into the raging waters below. And then it flashed forward to like... a CSI opening. and i could see my body lying on the ground and all these paramedics and ppl surrounding me. And the paramedic said "I'm afraid she's dead. If we had arrived earlier we might've been able to save her....but she's dead."
And then i woke up... creeeepy

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