Monday, March 12, 2007

achy head

Uuuugh. i dont relly know what this post should be about seeing as nothing really interesting happened. My best friends in town though. So yeah we will go and spend 40 bucks on sushi 2morrow. HOHOH (per person btw) hahah. Um... spring forward yesterday. worst day of my life. I hate losing an hour. Bad enough that time seems 2 magically disappear when i'm on msn. Um... yeah so i've been having a kaffufin w/ internet man. he made me angry on ....friday i guess... i dunno check w/ the previous blog. And i got angry and blocked him for a good few days. Um... i had a full day off yesterday. It was EXTREMELY unproductive. I did finally figure out how to read that crystal beading book my mom got me. i told her to buy me a crafting book in HK. and she bought me one where all the intructions were in chinese. I was like.... uh thanks. hahah but i figured them out.. YESS. i made half a mouse, half a bracelet and 3/4 of an octopus. Hohohoh. i'm going to buy some more beads on ebay when jess gets the paypal money in that she owes me. I also found that pair of white irregular choice clogs i've been looking for for like 2 years! Hohoho. its in my size to!! hahah having said that i bet you i'll miss the auction. *sob sob* i will be the saddest girl in grade number...16. Oh you, you make me sad. But alas i'm gonna go 2 bed now.

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