Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hey pookie....

So i went on a semi*date* on friday. Hahaha. I went w/ internet man. He looks a lot different in real life. I dont want to be mean but he looks better in his pictures. Hahah, but he was also wearing a hat when i met him so we'll see. But at the same time i'm not saying i had a horrible time w/ him. It was 10X better than my forced date w/ cement man. Hahah, i wanted 2 squish his arms 2 see if he was really that muscly. O-hohoh.... but i didn't i refrained. Hahaha, I kept on stealing secret looks at him to see if i could determine whether or not i thought i was good looking or not. Hahah and i think he knew i was doing that. Hahahah he makes me laugh really hard cuz he does silly things. hahaha he's so simple, but yet like if all the stuff he tells me is true, hes been through a lot, and apparently hes fucking talented!! hahah. I'll go on about that stuff in a later entry maybe. I think he'll look better in his *thug* clothes. hahahah. OH another coincedence. I bumped into Lawrence and Pauline at the theatres when i was w/ internet mat. It was really strange. hahah cuz they always ask me if i have a bf. and i always never, and the one time i go out w/ a guy, and boom i bump into them. Hahaha. i'm so sad cuz hes so skinny! haha well hes not as skinny as J, and hes only (only PAH) 10 pounds lighter than me. but it makes me sad. Hahaha. I'm pretty sure i'll see him a 2nd time, 2 get a better judgment. Cuz i dunno why i was kinda tired on friday and i couldn't think very clearly.... just like right now, i feel like i'm gonna pass out cuz i'm so tired!! hahha sigh. Welp thats all folks, ttyl

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