Thursday, July 06, 2006

oh joy

i have access to internet again! man its been an extremely long time. going to be extremely quick. Just some basic recap seeing how as nothing itneresting has happened really. Finished spring classes and have been on break. My parents came in last week. I was actually pretty excited to see them. Hohum. Animethon is in 2 days. Kinda excited. But doesn't think she will go. oh poo-pee. Ling will go and so will Tara, parchance i can dupe jessicaw to come. oh hohoho. Um um. what else. Oh right i think i mentioned a long time ago that i' going to be kakashi from naruto. I dunno how it looks right now cuz i dont have the hair and stuff....but i hope i look okay. Otherwise i will also not go. hahah. I'm so proud of the knife prop that i made. hohoho. Anyhoo, thats all for now. I am broke and trying 2 save moolah so i will go now. Byee bye...

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