Monday, July 17, 2006

Alas cruel world.....

Sooo, my internet at home went down again. Maybe i should just start paying for it....hahah jkjk. Right now i'm just too lazy 2 walk home and i wanted 2 slack off a bit. I worked on friday, saturday and sunday. And i'll say that the friday and saturday were the exact opposite of each other.
Friday was a pretty good day, it was steady, not crazy hectic friday-busy. So that was good. And since i worked dinner rather than lunch i actually had time 2 get ready for work and look nice. Hahaha my workmates all asked me if i was going out on a date after work. (hey it was just some lipgloss) But apparently lipgloss makes a big difference because i made $30 tip on take out (i usually make 15-20$) And then i went 2 save on's where i bumped into iris. (actually i was on the otherside of jasper when i called her and right before my phone cut out she said *i'm at save on's*) so yeah i 'bumped' into her. Her and Ling came over for a small 'dinner' and after they left i started making corinna's special desserts for May's house warming party on sunday.
Saturday was an extremely crappy day. Wearing lipgloss really does make a difference cuz i never wore any that day. The first take out i took was horrible. The lady was a real snob, and i had 2 re-order certain stuff cuz 'you guys always screw up my order'. And then i undercharged her 10$. (this is the first time that has every happened 2 me before) i called her back and she made a big BIG deal about it saying stuff that i'm too lazy 2 type out. And eventually after like 10 mintues her husband told me that he'd come in to pay it back another day. And i was like sure okay, whatever. I beleive i will never see that 10$ i had 2 pay again. Then some lady made me make 8 cups of miso soup during the busiest time of the day. And then someone payed their 10.13 bill with 10$ and 1 galaxy cinema token. And i know she did it on purpose cuz she lifted up the bill and put the coin under it. AND THEN at like 8PM this lady walked up 2 me and in this cocky voice was lke *your ladies washroom is flooding really bad, i think 'you' should go fix it right away.* why yes right away i'll just pull the magical plunger that i keep in my pocket out and do it right away. Geez. So i went into the washroom and opened the door and stepped in a puddle. As iris said it looked like someone had lodged their shoe inside the toilet bowl. The water was overflowing like a mofo fountain. Also, since the water wasn't draining throught the drain in the floor it started....somehow seeping throught the wall and i guess since it had been flooding for like 10 mintues it soaked up a nice thick puddle in the dinning room. So sad.
Sunday wasn't so bad I just worked afternoon and then went 2 May's new place where i pretty much played mario party 4 for like....6 hours. hahah. Waluigi still rocks. Pretty funny cuz after like 3 hours of gaming, right as the game was announcing the winner the baby crawled over 2 the gamecube and pushed the power button. thats one dexterious baby. Weeelll. i think thats all i wanted 2 say.
....and to think i could have been home by now had i not come here 2 write this blog.

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