Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hi Everybody!! Super excited cuz my internet is working. ohohoho. Anyhoo heres pictures of me from this years anime convention. In case anyone forgot.... (or doesn't recognize) i'm kakashi when he was an ANBU....

Minus the fact that i forgot about his shoes and therefore had to make them 20 mintues before leaving i was pretty happy w/ my costume. I got a lot of comments and my props turned out quite nicely. I made the mask and kunai knife pretty much from scratch (weeell, i used a basic halloween mask as a base) I was a little bit sad because on saturday i wore my contacts in the wrong eyes and put the scar on the wrong eye too... damn you mirrors. hahaha. But aside from those 2 problems everything else was good. yum yum. It actually doesn't look as good as i remembered it.... But yeah. I forgot to take pictures of tara's costumes. Possibly had to do w/ the fact that i didn't take any pictures at the animethon at ALL.... come on people wheres your creative juices? I actually want to say that i didn't buy that much stuff. First day i spent under $100. Basically all the stuff that i wanted 2 buy wasn't there. So on the 2nd day, after feeling really left out from not buying stuff i went around and bought random stuff that i semi-wanted. ie. many kakashi items. hahah i bought a big plushie and the little one that i was gunning down on ebay, like 4 keychains, and then some artbooks. So all in all it wasn't really that much. No 10 bags like a few years ago. hahah. anyhoo i should prolly go to sleep now... which i wont.

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