Wednesday, June 21, 2006

only wishing....

oOh yah, so my internet has been down for the longest time, so here i am using my brothers cpu to type out my blog. Soooo....since i no longer have the opportunity to write random brain thoughts at the wee hours in the morning, i'm stuck w/ writting a blog entry everytime something important happens.
Today, (as the heading for this entry indicates) something out of the ordinary happened. or so i feel. Weeeell, i didn't have 2 work this morning so i was up and about doing stuff...watching tv. And then i went 2 take a nap before going to work. Where... oh wow, it does kinda hurt... i basically had a dream. My dreams are always random stupid things, that never make sense, and have absolutley nothing to do w/ my life. But today this dream was kinda truthful...yet false. So... today i dreamt...(deep breath) that craig had found me again. Well not actually, but on msn. And i didn't know who he was at first because he was using a different name, but he eventually changed it back to craig. And when i found out, i basically just sat at my cpu desk and started crying because i was so happy, and so sad. He told me that he had moved to Ontario or something for the past 2 years, and that he had just moved back to Edmonton (whyte ave to be more exact) and, just like always we hit it off really really well. But in my dream i was also getting ready to go to work. So after like 20 mintues i told him i had to go to work. And he was like *okay i'll talk to you later....* and then i woke up. And at first i was all like drowsy and pretty happy because it was a pretty nice dream. But then i remembered that it was only a dream and those last words he said before i woke up. And.... so i felt pretty sad, because well first it WAS only a dream, and second he lied. *ow* man that really hurts. So then i went to work, were the first customer who came in bore a stiking resemblence to craig. And then a guy called in to make a reservation on friday for 'craig' and while i was reading the paper i found an article written by 'craig elliot'. (a while back ago when i didn't have this blog, and used to write in a diary, craig's 'code name' was elliot.) Really really strange.

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