Sunday, April 23, 2006


(This post was supposed to be yesterdays but my internet crashed before i could post it) Hey yo, C-dawg here. Hoy today was busy and i'm pretty tired. But i have, once again, a small anecdote to tell everyboby. So i was at work all day today and in the evening this young guy walks in (he actually looked like jacob hoggarth the lead singer from hedley!) and he comes up 2 me 2 order some to go. aaaand i was like *hi what can i do for you!.... (wow you smell heavily of pot mister!)* and he ordered 2 boats to go and some small random other stuff. Yadda yadda he comes back 20 mintues later 2 pay and he whips out this 'huge' wad of cash. (once again the pot-ish smell waifs over 2 me). So his bill was $77 something and he counted his moolah like the pro he was and gave me what i assumed 2 be $80 and i was like 'thanks do you need change?' and he went * how much is that?* and i recounted it and i was like *oh theres $90 here* (taking two 5's 2 give back to him) and then he goes *oh thats fine thanks* And left. and i was like .... : -O (that is my face in shock btw). man i would KILL to have a drug dealer boyfriend. hahah....but not really. so yeah folks i got paid w/ drug money today! Hahaha. Ohoh a 2nd story i just remembered. There was a group of 6 ppl today that came in. And when they where finished they sent the one young guy up 2 pay (poor guy) and he was paying w/ debit, so i swiped his card yadda yadda. Didn't notice it when he GAVE me his card, but when i gave him the pinpad i noticed this ping pong ball sized protrusion from his wrist. Seriously, it looked like his wrist was broken like 5 times. And i really REALLY didn't mean to but it scared the living begeezus outta me and when i handed him the pinpad and seen it i went *here you g-UH-oo...* and i twitched a little. sob sob, i'm so mean.... sorry mister. Sigh, yeaaah well i think i should go 2 sleep now, i'm uber tired. I ironically have more shifts during exam week than compared 2 when i just have regular school... BOO-URNS.

Friday, April 21, 2006

fun fun

Hi sportsfans! Back again. I just have a little anecdote that i'd love to share w/ everybody. Today for some idiotic reason i decided to.... rollerblade to work. What is really idiotic is that i actually dont really know how to rollerblade. I can 'glide' and thats about it. My balance and grace on those babies are practically reduced to nil. So why i decided 2 go to work on those hell blades beats the living crap outta me. But anyways. So i strapped them on (completely forgeting the fact that i haven't rollerbladed in like 2 years, and that i also cannot stop, a very important thing to learn folks) Haaah, weeeell i guess i did think it over before because i actually planned my route 2 work. Rather than going straight to work via 110 Street and down the hill, i decided to go out to 109 street where i vaguely remembered there being not much of a hill. But apparently a minor decline is all that it takes to have me spiralling out of control... haha no i exagerated.... a little. Basically i started speeding up while going down 109. (funny cuz the ppl walking the opposite way prolly know i couldnt' stop and cleared this huge path....i should have just fell and saved face....) Anyways, i was coming up to Jasper ave, and realizing that the light was turning red and since i didn't want to run into the middle of traffic i opted for the next best thing.
To stop.
By crashing into a stop sign
yeah it was pretty funny now that i think about it. I practically winded myself. Whats even funnier is after i ran into the post, i just went on like nothing happened....*sigh* i came home later and found dollar sized red bruise on my knee... *s-II-gh* Rollerblades should have easier braking mechanisms....hahaha. Thats prolly about it. I told my workmates and they laughed...really hard. hahah which is what i'd do to if someone told me that story.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

*gasp* oxygen at last

Ung, finally some breathing room. whoooo, i was waiting for this moment for a week now. I finished my Art H 209 exam today. aaaah. How well i did is another question. I'd guess that the first 3 qestions were pretty okay. The last one however i was totally not looking forward to. Crazy neighborhood. Not to mention that since it was the last question, my hand was sore and i only had 20 mintues it was basically an incoherrent jumble of scribbles and words that might or might not make sense..... sigh. I should be dead tired seeing as i got les than 2 hours of sleep last night, but i've been itching 2 write in you blog baby. *oh ye-ah* hahaha. These past few days were kinda depressing. Feel bad saying it but its true. Thursday was my first official sleep in day, and then i went 2 work. My grandparents came out again to see my cousin and her new baby and she had a month old party type thing, so that pretty much took care of friday. saturday i also worked, i feel pretty bad now because i ditched having dinner w/ my cousins because i had 2 study. But at the same time if i went i wouldn't have gotten any studying in. Sunday i went 2 work again and .... i think we went out for dinner.... can't remember. Monday.... did i go 2 work again?? yeah i did (bad because i seemed 2 have gotten more work shifts during exam week) went 2 work, got off early then went 2 the U 2 study and check out that 'neighborhood' for Q4. brisk walks are actually quite relaxing, i should do them more often. Then we went out for dinner (for shure this time). The 2 days before exams are always the greatest cuz i cram like a madwoman. Monday night i started 2 kick it into high gear, but since my usual study areas were not available (my room because grandparents were sleeping there, and the living room cuz tchow was watching full house and that was a distraction) So where did i go 2 study? The bathroom. Yes i took in a stool and my busy board lap desk thing and sat in the bathroom for 3 hours. Pretty sad eh? But at least you see the commitment i make. hahah. Tuesday was actually pretty crazy too. I managed 2 sleep in till 12 when i suddenly reembered i had 2 finish my report for DES 370. Well it was more add pictures and a title page the actual report was done awhile ago. I had 2 go 2 staples 2 photocopy the pictures and by the time i got home it was around 2ish. I was thinking of taking a nap but i actually decided not 2 and got in an hour worth of studying (that folks is amazing that i turned down sleep) I went 2 work were it was unbelievable SLOW. no idea, me and the 2 servers sat and folded chopsticks for almost 3 straight hours. Then it picked up around 8 which was horrible cuz i had 2 leave around 8 30 to go 2 the U and see my instructor. But my brother said he'd give me a ride so i decided 2 stay until 8 45. I called him then and he was like *i'm sleeping, take the train* Man i was so pissed off cuz i was going 2 be late. So i ran 2 the train station then ran 2 the studio where my instructor must have thought i was a beheamoth cuz i was so out of breath and red and sweating. hahah *sigh* what a last impression. Interview was the same as usual, I'm an idiot yadda yadda. hahah Pretty much jeff talking and me knodding my head. i dunno how come i can't think of anything 2 say 2 jeff even though i find that hes the instructor that seems 2 be the most understanding of students cuz of the age range and likes and disklikes. Buuuut thats just assuming.
OH! speaking of good looking guys. *hohoho* At work on Monday i swear to goodness that i seen somebody who looked like...craig(well actually i've never seen the guy in real life im so it was based on memory and foolishness) UNG i still get that floaty sensation when i see his name. (you bastard) But yes, so i seen this guy who looked like craig had he aged, which technically since the last picture i seen of him he has. Like he wasn't super pretty or anything and actually reminded me of those aging programs. But there was a resemblance/false hope. Hahah. But i was like *ah what are the chances, hes obviously not craig* And THEN ...while i was secretly watching hahah i noticed he was left handed.... GUH. Buuuut i tried 2 let it go, pure coincedence. And thats where i left it at. Although i would have loved 2 have been a creep and read the name on his credit card buuuut i didnt. (mainly cuz he paid w/ cash... hahah i AM a creep) sigh. Thats pretty much now for the escapades of corinna. Just gotta gun down my mandarin exam and its smooth sailing.....animethon come sooner!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

been a while

it sure has, its been so long ** no longer appears in my address bar history..... *wow* Aaaanyum last day of classes today! whoo-haa-hoo. Kinda bitter sweet though, didn't really feel like last day. My design class didnt have an end of the year class party, although they did go 2 a bar. I think i might have went if i called LS out cuz shes a ppl person and a drinker, but iris seemed 2 the the first person i thought of.. ironic though cuz she hasn't finished classes yet.... but yeaaah. last day of classes today. aaaah i was waiting for today for the last few weeks now. Though i'm seriously not looking forward to my artH 209 exam in which i haven't attended class for a long time.... dang. Umm... these past few days i have been re reading all the manga that i have every bought and have completed the series. So far that is... CardCaptorSakura, Chobits, Paradise Kiss, and Sailor Moon. oooh every so often (mostly during the summer) i like to dust them off and read the whole series. I finished reading CCS in 2 days.... how sad. hahaha. (wow i have a lot of girly manga.) Ooop oop. looking forward to the animethon this year again. Hopefully i can go. I'm sure i've mentioned this before but i'm going to be ANBU Kakashi from Naruto. I'm going to be a hot man... YE-AH hahaha. oooh right in design class we were making dog houses to auction off for the SPCA. Sounded like a super fun project. I think i would have preferred working on my own, but w/ the limited amount of time i'm grateful for the group. The 3 of us got along pretty well (much more than H & W i think) but i think its cuz not only did we get the choice in choosing partners but also cuz the 3 of us are pretty carefree. Um... but i do have 2 say i dont like working in groups cuz i always feel so bad if i do soemthing wrong (which oh boy did i ever) I seemed 2 have made a lot of mistakes during this project... sigh sigh. I'm sure L & A think i'm totally incompetent. daaaaw. But oh well i tried my almost hardest. Um... i'm just thinking now about when i should have my interview thing w/ jeff.... originally i signed up for the one at 9-9 15 so that i could go right after work. BUT i looked at the list thing before i left and theres a huge gap between the 2nd last person and me so i might leave early on W and just see jeff then. jargon five. I think thats all...Ooooh no wait. I bought a plant last sunday. i forget the name of the flower but they're my new 2nd favorite flower. Its those flowers that look like daisys but have a lot more petals and come in like white, red, pink, and i think orange, and the stems are really thick and sometimes the florist puts them in a big straw so they dont bend... but yeah i bought a red plant of those flowers. Its sitting on my cpu desk, and it makes me happy when i look at it... aaaaaw. I want 2 call it Mr. Ukki (for no apparent reason... hohoho)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


wow, first it was a week of non stop posting, now its a week of stop posting. hahah i really actually have nothing to say, i'm just trying to kill....5 mintues and 52 seconds. I've been on this rampage of video game speed run's. Its so f'ing amazing when some crazy kid can beat super mario in less time than it takes me to brush my teeth. hahah. I watched some guy beat mario 64 in 21 21 mintues of my life....i have however lost all urge 2 play mario 64 again. hahaha. it was busy at work today...stranger for a tuesday, but it was prolly cuz we said the magicall words of *i dont think its going to be busy today* huuuur. Um... well our dog house in ID is coming along okay, cept i felt pretty bad for getting that angle wrong on our house... sigh....i've lost all math skills....why oh why.... Um... oh yeah! As of 2morrow i officially have only one week of school left. Boy oh boy this year seemed 2 go by uber fast. I can't wait to waste my summer away!!!! huuurr... come on super mario video hurry.....DAMMIT MY VIDEO JUST FROZE.... HUUUUUUUURG I WAITED 20 MINTUES SO I COULD SEE PRINCESS BEAT SUPER MARIO 2 IN 5 MINTUES..... HELP ME JEBUS!!!!
maaan, im depressed now....sigh. if anyone out there can beat and super mario game in an amazingly short time...*hey hows it going...we should hook up* .... ; )