Thursday, June 30, 2005

weird dreams

ho hum,
i've been having a lot of weird dreams recently. Last week, I dreamt i was a super villan. But it was pretty cool cuz i could fly, and everybody knows i love flying. I could also shoot like....bullets out of my fingers. I didn't plan on being a villian it was just that i kept on accidentally killing ppl. Like, the police were after me and i kept trying 2 fly away and they'd shoot at me and i'd dodge then like...natural reflex i'd shoot back and like they'd all get shot in the heads and stuff. And then the cops got angry and sent in their arnold swartzenegger of SWAT. and in came....emilio estavez....dont ask why. but he was in like total rambo gear and he tried to capture me but...i slipped through his fingers and eventually ran away from my family....and then i woke up...hahah it was cool cuz i could fly.
I just suddenly rememberd this dream, but and a group of ppl got stranded on an island and it was like....gilligans island meets survivor. i think the plane exploded or something and my friend fell to the sand and i ...flew...and was gonna go get him but the bad guys were near by so i uncontrollably flew myself backwards into the water. and then later on i found my friend and dragged him to our *secret* set up camp place that was nice and well ration stocked....then i dont remember the rest.
The dream i had today took me seriously by surprise cuz the night before i was looking at my friends grotesque book of diseases and i was scared i was going 2 dream of having like....everything. But anyways, this ones gonna be more detailed cuz i remember it more clearly....Sooo...i *think* i was either married to or had some kinda relationship with Justin (this guy i knew and kinda liked from highschool). And my *former* best friend Katherine and her long term BF Drew were there too. And we were in this room and then suddenly Justin like...i dont remember clearly but he like grabbed me and he had this pill in his hand and it was supposed to make me die. (Drew had one too). And obviously i was trying not to swallow the pill and like tears were coming out of my eyes cuz i couldn't believe Justin was doing this to me. But in the end he won and i swallowed the pill. And i started crying, and he held me and read me like....*the* most sweetest heart wrenching goodbye poem ever. And after that I didn't feel so bad about dying because ...iforget. So i like...snuggled into his lap and held onto him and closed my eyes. And then i *awoke* in this totally different room and Kat was there too (having just awoke from the death pill sleep). And Justin and Drew were no where to be seen, and when i asked Kat how Drew gave her her pill and what he said after she said *....idunno he just gave it to me and didn't do anything after* and then, i really awoke...hahah yeaaah the story was really rushed but after i woke up i felt really happy and sad. Hhaha i hope it doesnt mean i'm jealous. not to mention i haven't seen justin in like....2 years. hahah how bizarre

Monday, June 20, 2005

its a mad dash towards the finish line

no actually its a slow crawl. I feel like being very productive these past few weeks (however not productive as in house cleaning).... more as in making stuff. hmmm.. well i wanted to make (learn) to make sushi, and i did. and i also want to make dumplings, and mint mocha coffee drink, and finish my costume, and paint something, and plant a lot more stuff.... vroom vroom vrooom. buuuut alas i haven't. the afternoon hostess got fired by boss' wife yesterday. all the waitress and sushi chefs thought it was complete bullcrap cuz it wasn't even professional. uuugh. what else.... wellp it looks like i'll be staying out here till at least august.... yeaaah *le sigh* i wish i had a swimming pool....i think i'd go swimming ever day or something.... poooh. i think i'm gonna go to my piczo site and make one of those list things of things that i wanna do before i die. yeaaaaah. oh waht fun.
ps. haaaaappy fathers daaaaay o^-^o

Friday, June 17, 2005

whats new sports fans?

nothing really, cept the fact that i have a lot of new clothes and am short one pair of shoes....that dirty shoe stealing bastard. sooo my parents came in to town and spent the week out here, and my mom and i went shopping for clothes. and she spent 500$ on a hair cut....isn't that amazing? but also...SOME BASTARD STOLE MY SHOES.... that dirty son of a....i also dyed my hair today, i finally got the necessary goods to do it properly. so i'm a purple green head now.. hohoh. just like barney. hmm what else. oh my boss went out of town and so his wife is here looking out and BOY is she scary. the afternoon hostess got fired today. oy oy. but any hoo i'm gonna go sleep now....or actually i'll prolly go and finish up paper mario.. yahooo

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I could have touched John Cena....

Never ceases to fail people. I corinna have THE most bad luck in the whole world. A while back ago i bought TWO sets of edmonton smackdown tickets, and i didn't know which ones would be the better seats. (row 8 seats 15&16 or row 11 seats 6&7). someone told me that 5&6 would be a lot closer to the ramp and i tried comfirming it with rexall place and ticketmaster, and they were about as helpfull as a tub of crap. So i took a random guess and decided 2 keep seats 6&7....i sold the other tix to this guy today with a red hat for 80$. I get to rexall palce today and there are like hordes of ppl trying to buy any type of tickets for like...100+ bucks and i was like...DAMMIT who told me no one would be here trying 2 buy last minute tixs????. and then i get into the areana and the lady seats us and we're like in the middle of nowhere practically. and like 20 mintues later BOOM red hat stands up in front of me and hes got like....THE best seat in the house. Right next to the ramp, in the corner on TV....i like sat down and cried almost. complete bullshit. So pissed off. ARG. what an unlucky person I am. i think i will now go and splurge money on expensive shoes....damn it