Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Caught a Slowbro

Some things have happened since my last story telling.

Not in my favor of course.

The usual Pokémon catching at 2 am.

B calling me a GREAT FRIEND.

B telling me I probably shouldn't say we met each other on a dating site.

B throwing me off my Happy Bus.

You know. The usual.

Last Friday I emailed him and asked if he wanted to go for dinner after work. He replied sure and we ended up hanging out for the rest of the night (along with a group of friends after dinner). He grabbed dessert for us and also a couple drinks. After everyone called it a night around 2am we just walked around the Leg catching Pokémon and then he dropped me back off at home. Didn't wait for me to get into the foyer this time.

On Saturday I went to the Farmer's Market to pick up some cookies that B had a gift certificate for. He had a race to attend and I just assumed he was going to call me after to pick up the goods. But I didn't hear anything. So that was Saturday. I ate a cookie.

Sunday morning, I text him to see if he wants to pick up his cookies before I leave the condo because I won't be around for most of the day. He is surprised that I picked up the cookies. I don't understand why because he asked me to. He replies back by saying 'You are a great friend!' I cry a little on the inside - haha :( He asks if he can pick them up now and I tell him I'm leaving in half an hour. No Reply. I don't know what that means. Are you coming now? What's going on? Anyways, 20 minutes pass and I still hear nothing so I call and ask what's happening. He says he still has to shower and won't be able to make it in time and he'll just pick them up in the evening or something. Which of course he doesn't.

Monday finally rolls around. When I finally get home after work I text him again. Do you just want me to drop the cookies off? He texts back and says he is on the way. And he arrives in about 5-10 minutes. I was baking some Banana Muffins and packed 4 for him. I go down to drop off the goods and really am trying not to talk to long and try and leave right away. He sees I'm in my pjs and says 'Oh I could have gone up to get them'. So I stop and turn back around to chat for a couple minutes. Eventually I go back upstairs to finish making dinner when I get a text from him:

You are ridiculously bad for my health

I kinda smile and tell him the muffins are somewhat healthy. He proceeds to tell me he gave 2 of them away to someone he knew at the gas station. That kinda dampens my spirit because I didn't make muffins for strangers and I ask if he gave them all away. B doesn't reply and that's the end of that night.

We don't really talk until Thursday evening. I'm having dinner with my family a couple blocks from his place and I call him up to see if he want's to sign N's bday card. He doesn't answer. But its not a big deal, he always calls me back. So of course I am a little surprised when I wake up the next day and see I have no missed calls or new texts. Somewhat bizarre for him. Anyways, I go to work and it ends up being kind of a hectic day and it starts to bug me that he didn't call me back. And I start getting anxious.

Did he get into a car accident? He does have road rage....
Did something happen to his mom? He did mention something before....
What the heck happened?!!

Around 10am I email him asking if he is okay because he has never not called me back before.

By noon I have heard nothing. I end up texting Tiny and ask if something happened to B.

I even go so far as logging onto his My Fitness Pal to check if he's logged in recently.

And he hasn't.

It genuinely freaked me out.

Finally at 2pm he emails me back and says I am okay! and he was just hanging out with his family. I don't reply back because he answered all my questions.

On Saturday B textes me early in the morning to tell me he was having lunch with T. I tell him that may be my doing because I genuinely thought he was in trouble and asked T. I also send him a funny cartoon about a superhero called Anxiety Girl. He laughs. T also texts me around noonish to say he is having lunch with B. I'm out with my family and doing my own thing.

Around 2 pm B texts me and asks if I want to have lunch. I text him back saying 'Too Late' because I'm having lunch already with my family. What didn't occur to me at the time was....

....didn't he just have lunch with T? A second lunch?..... huh?

Anyways, I didn't think of that till later and just asked what he was doing that evening because I wanted to take my cousins out. He replies he is going to a houseparty and says I could come too. I tell him I'm with my cousins and will probably just go to Common. He texts me a photo of the clothes he tried on in the change room at Winners. I tell him I really like his shoes. And that is that.

Until about 2 am he calls me just as I get back into the condo from Pokémon hunting with my cousins. He asks what's going on at the Common and what I am doing. I let him know I just got back home and he asks if we want to go karaoke. I kind of do and so do A&G. But then it occurs to him that karaoke is closing pretty soon and decides he should just go home. Then he asks me what I am doing tomorrow. I tell him tomorrow is Sunday and to take a guess. He remembers that every Sunday I have dimsum with family and that is that. I still try and tempt him over with cake and ice cream sandwiches and it actually works until he texts me back saying he is too tired and is just going home. We have a little conversation and I tell him G was excited to meet him because I tell her a lot of stories. He asks me if I want to see a movie on Sunday night. I text him a photo of G eating his ice cream sandwich and then a photo of a Cineplex giftcard saying 'What a coincidence!' He doesn't reply and I assume he goes to sleep.

Naturally I'm kind of excited to see him when Sunday rolls around. That was 3 attempts he made to try and see me :) Is it going to be a happy ending?!

Of course not

He doesn't contact me at all on Sunday.

I text him at 530pm asking if he still wanted to go see a movie.

By Monday the next day there was still no reply or reason.

Did I cry? Of course I did. I laughed because of course that is what was going to happen. Shit always goes down when I think something good might come out of someone. I laughed so hard I started crying. On Monday I hear nothing from him all day. I just stick around the studio and go out and have dinner with my family. I get home around 8pm and am cleaning up a little bit and finally I crawl into bed around 10pm. I've taken some sleeping pills because I don't want to think about anything. Then I see I missed 2 texts from B. Him and P are out catching pokemon and asked if I wanted to come. I don't reply and go to bed.

11:20pm rolls around and P calls me.
11:23pm rolls around and B Facetimes me
11:24pm rolls around and B calls me
11:27pm rolls around and P calls me

I finally answer. Him and B are downstairs by my building wanting to know if P can borrow a bike lock. I'm really sleepy from the sleep aid starting to kick in but I go downstairs to give P a bike lock.

B isn't there. When I ask P why he says 'Oh he said you didn't want to see him, you are mad at him or something.' I am beyond my brain tired but I know it registers that at least he knew. P wants to stay and chat with me for a bit even though I can't even keep my eyes open and he finally lets me go after about 10 minutes. That reminds me I'll see him again later.

And of course I have trouble falling back asleep and am currently sitting at my desk nodding off.

I bet B is going to not talk to me 'until I cool off'.

How annoying. I am not exactly mad at him but I am upset. There are at least 5 things I can think of that he could have done on Sunday that would have prevented this. #1 being a simple text back saying 'I can't, something came up' or even 'I forgot.'

Anyways. Something else I wanted to point out. I was 'excited' to see him on Sunday and thought something might happen, and if it didn't it didn't.

Well not only did it not happen. Nothing happened and he didn't even feel the need to answer me.

I think that is a pretty clear indication of how he feels about me so....

Take it and Go.

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