Sunday, December 20, 2015

Thoughts that Should Never Cross a Woman's Mind

Original Article found here:

2. It doesn’t matter anyway. We weren’t exclusive.

All right. Hold up. Everything matters when two people express their feelings for each other. He deserves all the hatred and wrath because you deserve better. You deserve the romantic walks at midnight to look at the stars, phone calls, flowers, anniversaries, and in the end, the joy of trust. If he broke your trust and your heart, that’s all that matters.
Everything Matters.... 

It wasn't just a one sided game I was playing or trying to delude myself that I was over-reacting. It mattered because Andrew implied he liked me as well and made an effort to show it. It did matter what he did in the end because it was immature and cowardly for leading me on and I guess I do have a justifiable reason to feel hurt.
I believed him.

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