Sunday, December 06, 2015

Things I Did for You

I keep thinking I did everything wrong. That I was a horrible person to Andrew and all I did was complain. But I didn't, right? I did a lot of nice things for him. I just forget.

I said sorry for asking him to leave me alone.
I told him I liked talking to him.
I gave him 2 pairs of suspenders that I had made.
I told him he had a nice butt.
I told him he had a nice body.
I told him I liked him better than donuts.
I bought him ice cream.
I gave him cookies.
I gave him pineapple cake.
I said thank you when he brought me tea.
I said thank you when he walked me home.
I sometimes told him he was sweet
I always wanted to see him.
He knew I liked him.
I sometimes said Good Morning and Good Night.
I replied back within reasonable amounts of time.
I asked about him.
I wanted to know what he liked
I wanted to know what didn't like.
When I thought he was struggling I tried to help him.
When he told me he was getting back with his girlfriend I didn't get mad at him.
I didn't tell him he should have chosen me.
I just told him that he made me hurt.
And I just told him to grow up and treat her better.
I just wanted him to be happy.
I just wanted him to like me.
I just wanted to see him because it made me happy.

I had trouble giving you handshakes. I told you so many times that I had problems. I guess it was my fault for thinking you could accommodate me. For thinking you would understand me. I thought you were an introvert, and maybe you were, but it doesn't mean you and I were the same. I could open up to you sexually and you the same, but that was all. Both of us couldn't go any further than that. I want to think you are broken too, just like me.

But I can't depend on that. 

I just need to know that I tried, and I was a good person. Someone will like me for exactly who I am one day. And they won't make me feel bad for being broken. 

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