Saturday, November 21, 2015

I'm like a teenage white girl drama queen

Wow, wow, wow.

Who woulda every thought that I would use that phrase to describe myself.

I shouldn't deny it because its true.

I hooked up with Weird Awkward Guy.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Who am I and what am I doing.

So, the day after the end of UPS Man, I was really upset that he played me like that. (Even if you all say he was just being friendly). I was still in disbelief and... so I did was any normal white girl would do and I messaged a boy that the last words I ever said were "I don't want to talk to you anymore".

The entire year and a half I thought about him. I thought that maybe I was being too selfish and expected too much from him. I was comparing him to Dave, and when he didn't do things I wanted or expected, I got mad. I thought it was my fault and I was being immature. He put up with all my whining and complaining, he said sorry to me all the time. So it was my fault and I messaged him first.

Why are Boys Mean. Why Can't They Just Be Nice and Not Lie.

He replied back and we've been talking since.

Well. Since Wednesday anyways.

Everything was going really good. We were talking every day. I actually saw him in person several times and sometimes he would bring me tea. I thought everything was going good. He was sweet most of the time and answered all my nosy questions. He was pretty busy though and usually 1 out of 3 times I asked him to hang out, he would have some other commitment, but I thought that was normal. And then we fooled around. And then a week later we had sex. But he still talked to me after that. I thought everything was going really good. He said he wanted to hang out with me last week before going on a family trip to Canmore for the weekend. But our schedules didn't match so we never met up. He said he wanted me to take him to eat Chinese Food when he got back.

But when he got back he was a huge jerk. He started doing the whole no need to reply to me thing. It was a huge change. I didn't get a good morning or good night anymore. It took him several hours to reply back to me and his reply was non conversation starting. I was feeling pretty dejected again. I didn't want to bug him too much, maybe he was busy or tired. So I just waited. One or two messages on Monday. A small conversation on Tuesday and one message on Wednesday.

So I asked him. Why the lack of messages suddenly? You used to message me numerous times a day?

No reply.

And then it passed midnight so I knew he had read it and went to bed.

I was mad. Really really mad. What the fuck is wrong with you, I thought. Seriously, what is your problem and why do you think this is a game? And then I remembered that's what had pushed me over the top last year. His sudden development of I'm an Asshole Syndrome. It totally happened last year too and I remember him being cocky and 'oh well' attitude. I was so mad. If your busy you don't have to reply right away, I get it, but have the fucking decency to reply before you go to bed you Asshole. I wish SO HARD that he would get a taste of his own medicine.

And so, I sent a message and called him a huge Jerk, and that if he wasn't interested he could have the decency to take 10 flipping seconds out of his super important life to let me know and to please don't play games with me.

And of course. No Reply.

Someone tell me that I'm not being to demanding and that he's being a jerk.

I have no idea what is going on between us. Did I hook backup with another Fuck Boy? Geezus Christ. I DON'T GET IT !!
I genuinely thought he was interested in me.......but the more time that passes the more I'm starting to think he just wanted sex?

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I dunno, What an Asshole !!!!

Why did I start talking to him again. You're a fucking idiot, C.

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