Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Domo Arigato

I feel like Robot-o

I had to take some sleeping pills yesterday so I wouldn't overthink and so I could just sleep. I'm learning how they worked and took one early on and then the another one right before I went to bed. I figured staggering them would prolong the deep sleep rather then taking them all at once.

It seemed to work. I slept through my school alarm clock and didn't go to school. I got up at noon and am now eating something.

A bunch of people think I am taking this too hard, and to them I probably am. But the feelings and pain that go through my heart and body are 100 % true.

I will miss Andrew, for however long it takes to miss him and be okay again. Even though I can still doubt that everything he said to me was a lie, I will miss everything that I saw him as.

I saw him as the boy that made me smile for the 2 months that we started talking again. The boy that forgave me for asking him to leave him alone. The boy that I was able to open up my heart to. The boy that I willingly gave free suspenders to just because. The boy that walked me home from work. The boy that brought me tea. And the boy that pulled on my scarf to give me a kiss.

I will miss him, and that's why I hurt.

I was going to delve into the entire last conversation that him and I had, but I think its best if I don't. Immediately after I read his text that he had chosen his ex over me, I replied that I had no arguments for him because I have no history compared to someone he must have once loved and to grow up and treat her better this time, I sat on the floor in a kind of disbelief. A real big shock. It's funny because I had sent the first text to him while coming back from the studio, and I had received it while leaving the grocery store, and when I went to read it my phone died. Was someone watching over me making sure I could read it in a private area? While I was waiting for my phone to charge and unload the groceries I remembered reading the first sentence and it said 'I feel like I haven't been able to talk to you about this because it is a crisis that involves you......' And at first I was thinking what could it mean? Is he thinking of moving? Well.. that sucks but I mean I'm not going to stop him. And then my phone turned on and when I put away my last bag of vegetables I stopped and thought....... No.... He Got Back with Someone Else. I walked over to the phone and read his message and I remember being a little prepared.

Nothing prepares you more for things than the past. I did my usuall and cast my net of help and messaged everyone that I knew so I wouldn't have to do this alone....... Many messages and tears later, Brendan was the last person to call me. He told me that I had become really self centered lately. That I was constantly talking about myself and my problems and he asked me if I realized my texts include the word 'I' a lot. And I paused.

I paused because I knew what he was talking about.

If I really wanted to, I think I could go back to my earlier posts about Andrew and I had made a comment about that. That I remember looking over the angry texts I had sent to Andrew and there were at least a dozen 'I's' there. I did notice that whenever I talked to Dave and Andrew I seemed to say 'I' a lot. And at that time I remember wondering if I was being too selfish..... But I forgot to work on that nd I didn't realize that that habit was coming into conversation with my friends. And so Brendan and I had a long talk about that. I asked him when it started, and he said he noticed it last summer. I told him I don't know how to have a conversation without the word 'I' in it, and he said 'Well, you just ask someone how they are doing, then'. And then I felt a little bad. Because I knew it was true that I had become quite self centered. And I could think of all the times I turned conversations towards myself. I did this, this one time I did that, I can do this, If you ask me I would etc, etc, etc.

Something else we talked about was lessons I learned from my dating escapades. Even though all my memories of my past boyfriends, hook-ups or whatevers may have been good at the time, they are all painful memories now and I try and forget them as soon as possible. Brendan was surprised because he said he has good memories with exes, and that I was odd. But... I told him, I've taken each relationship as a lesson. And I never would have taken back a single one of them, because I would have had to learn what I learned, some other way.
Breaking up with Dave taught me to group up, and to realize there are more people that care about you than the person you are dating. I started appreciating my parents and family more and realized how bad I had been treating them because I only wanted to spend time with Dave.
Getting jolted by Curtis after SanFrancisco was exactly what I needed to get over Dave. It took me a long long time to finally decide to put myself out in the shark tank. I got hit really really hard with this one. Curtis was the text book defnition of a FuckBoy. And we messed around, he got what he wanted and ignored me the very next day. I was so shocked and I wasn't expecting that and had a really bad breakdown and remember crying on Nomin's couch. But I realized how low I had fallen. That I was just so lonely I was resorting to anyone that would keep me company, but he really did help me get over Dave. Jeff was a funny story. The entire time when Jeff and I bumped into each other I always said to myself. I dont want to date. I don't want to be vulnerable again and I don't want to get hurt. But Jeff kept at it, he kept making me feel happy and happy and more and more confident about myself. Even if he didn't mean to I think it was slowly building up my confidence level, even though he totally shot me down and I cried for a day (wait I dont think I did) Gabby and Travis both told me they were proud of me for getting the balls to ask him out.
And finaly Andrew. Andrew came into my life after Curtis, but before Jeff. If I want to look on the positive side, Andrew made me realize a lot of things about myself. Although Curtis was the one who told me 'Expectations Ruin Things', Andrew was the one who I finally got me to understand the saying. The first time we talked I was still expecting things to work the way my relationship with Dave worked. I text, Dave responds back immediately. Dave was infatuated with me in the beginning. He couldn't stop talking to me, or about me and always wanted to see me. That's what I wanted from Andrew, or rather what I expected from Andrew. But he wasn't Dave and he didn't do those things. So I ended up hurting myself. I told Andrew to leave me alone. I told him that he didn't have enough time that I was looking for. That was it and he really did leave me a lone
For almost a year I thought about him. I blocked him on everything except Instagram. (Really stupid move now that I think about it because I should have blocked him on everything if I was serious). Sometimes he liked my pics and I would think about him. No Corinna, you weren't wrong. He was rude.

was I being unreasonable........

and I messaged him right after the fall out with Jeff. I messaged him because I was lonely, I felt sad, and Andrew had always listed to my whining and said sorry and put up with me.

I messaged him because I did miss him.  And I said Sorry for what I did before.

Even though it was for a short period of time, every time I saw Andrew or he would text me, I would feel a happiness I haven't felt in a long time.

Before he stopped talking to me and blocked me on everything (oh the irony) he told me that during the year we didn't talk he always thought about me and wondered what I was doing, and liked listening to my stories and learning things, but in the end he decided to go with the familiar and the known and he chose his ex instead of me.

I hurt a lot because I will wonder what she did that made him happier, but I told him he needed to group up and to treat her better this time.

Goodbye, Andrew.

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