Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Lack of Sympathy?

Studiomate and I got into a deep argument yesterday over Fashion World Politics.

She said I don't understand and I think she doesn't see what I see.

It's deep.

I can't tell if I'm being naïve and thinking I'm innocent because I'm not involved in the Edmonton Fashion Industry the way she is. I like doing small markets and being friendly and only having to worry about one design at a time. I don't have to worry about collections or schedules or stepping on peoples toes.

Recently a friend of G's moved back to Edmonton from London. And since then shes 'opened her eyes' about how wrong Edmonton's take on Local Fashion is. Consignment only and high consignment rates. Designers are basically being gouged. And that I believe is true, and why I don't want to sell at stores anymore. But G and I are walking down 2 different paths. She's a name in the Edmonton Fashion Scene, she knows Important People, she's looking at fashion from an Industry perspective. I don't. So I think we don't see eye to eye on certain things in this aspect.

Since London moved back to Edmonton, I've been non-stop hearing G complain about how this is wrong and that is wrong and Designers are being screwed. Bev this and Bev that. This is how its done in London and so on and so on.
I want to say. We are not in Fucking London. And I don't know if that is the wrong take on this.
G has been going on and on and on about how things have to change in the Edmonton Fashion Scene... and yet.... She isn't willing to change....

So. Couple weeks ago G got approached by a clothing store in Edmonton to partake in a charity auction event. Designers are to proved the clothing store 2 dresses. 1 for a Local Celebrity to wear and be bid on. The highest bidder then wins the 2nd dress made to their size, as well as a pop up shop day at the clothing store. It's actually a ridiculous prize if you think about it. The designer really has nothing to gain and the clothing store gets positive press, and commission from the sales of the pop up shop, while the designer loses 2 garments, time and money. I thought that was BS. Yes. We agreed on that.

But somehow G got suckered into doing it. After much persuasion she finally said okay and decided to donate 2 dresses from several seasons ago. 2 dresses that have been sitting here not moving. And now I've been hearing her huff and puff about it. London was also asked to partake in this event and sent an email to the clothing store organizers asked 'Just exactly what do the designers get from this event? We lose money on giving away not one but two free garments, so how is this beneficial to us?" The answer was, you get lots of press, and important people will be seen wearing your designs.
G was talking to London on speaker phone on Monday and they both laughed. 'Wooooo, who's going to be there? The Metro Paper?!! lololol" And... I just.... what do you expect. I didn't understand why they thought press was nothing. I mean, it certainly isn't a gold medal prize but that paper gets around just as much as the EJ. And then the next shock came to me. The clothing store contacted G and told her that the mayor's wife called in and requested to wear G's design. Whoa. That's pretty big and cool and Awesome. But then, while G and London were talking, G kept saying how she didn't think London should do the event and back out, and she wished more people would back out. London said G should back out too, but G's answer was 'If it was anyone else but the mayor's wife, I would back out in a heart beat'.
I was really surprised.

She was copping out.

Telling people not to do the event, not to do the event, not to do the event. But oh no wait, I'm going to do the event.

She is hands down currently London's biggest supporter, but from someone else's perspective it would seem quite the opposite. I don't think she has once, during this entire event let the clothing store know of her displeasure, or sent an email back agreeing with what London had to say. She kept her mouth quite and out of the battle.

Her argument to me was You Don't Understand.

If I back out I'm going to slap all these people in the faces. This clothing store has been there for me and helped me out. They are important people. Me backing out would be the equivalent of saying FUCK YOU to them. I would never be able to show my face in the Edmonton's Fashion Scene again.
You Don't Understand

I thought about this all night yesterday. And I can't tell what is the right thing to do.

G is always talking about a movement to change the fashion industry here in Edmonton. But the way I see it, she has never been willing to make a move herself. Never voicing her opinion aloud or to anyone else but me and London.

It takes one person to start a movement.You shouldn't complain if you aren't willing to do something yourself.

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